Page 160 of The Head Game

Kids of all ages ran around, shrieking with joy, and adults stood in small clusters, talking and laughing.

“This is amazing,” August said, impressed.

Kate smiled. “We try. Now, I’m afraid I have to excuse myself. My husband is wrangling the toddler and another one of my children looks like he’s going to try to pull the tablecloth off the table to get to the cookies. I don’t see that ending well.”

August laughed and gestured for her to go. “Go rescue the cookies. I’m good.”

For a moment, August surveyed the room, watching Nico laughing with his teammates and enjoying the happy expression on his face. He’d worried about how today would feel for Nico but it seemed to be going well so far.

“Hello, handsome.” Charlie sidled up.

“Hey, Charlie.” August hadn’t spent much time talking to him at his home the other night but Nico spoke highly of him. “You look festive.”

Charlie did a showy spin that made August smile. He was dressed in leather leggings and a red sweater that dipped low in the back, revealing a bit of red lace. His heels and lips were equally red.

“As the captain’s husband, I’m the official welcoming committee,” Charlie said with a bright smile back. “Would you like a drink?”

“I wouldn’t turn it down,” August admitted. He felt a little out of place here.

“Boozy or non-boozy?”

August considered the options. It was after noon and he wouldn’t get behind the wheel for a while. “Boozy but not too strong. I plan to skate later.”

“Hmm.” Charlie tucked his arm through August’s. “I think that’s doable. May I interest you in a cranberry vodka, light on the vodka?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Then follow me.”

Charlie led him over to the simple bar area.

“The team goes all out, huh?” August said as they waited for the bartender to mix the drink.

Charlie smiled. “Yeah, it sure seems like it. I know Dustin’s really been looking forward to today.”

“This seems like a great organization,” August said thoughtfully as they walked away from the bar.

“It is.” Charlie beamed up at him. “Welcome to the SAPs, by the way.”

August blinked, drink halfway to his lips. “The whats?” He thought he’d heard Charlie say something about that the other night but he had no idea what it meant.

“S-A-P-s. Spouses and partners. It’s our new inclusive term to replace WAGs. Much more suitable for guys like us.”

“Oh.” It had never occurred to August that people viewed him that way. He was—at least on the surface—the partner and future spouse of a player.

Good lord, if August’s fifteen-year-old self could see the way hockey had changed in the past decade, maybe he would have made a completely different decision about his future.

August and Charlie made small talk for a while longer before Nico slid close and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Hey, sorry, Auggie. Didn’t mean to ditch you. It took forever to get away.”

“No, you’re fine. I was talking to Charlie.”

“Don’t worry about it, Nico,” Charlie said with a wink. “I am taking excellent care of your man.”

Nico grinned. “Sounds hot. I’d watch that.”

The two of them bantered a bit before Charlie excused himself. “Whoops, sorry. It looks like Dustin needs me for something. Have fun! Let me know if you need anything, August.”

He was gone before August could reply and Nico peered down at his glass. “Hey, is that a real drink?”