Page 159 of The Head Game

“Good to see you too, Matt,” August managed.

“Oh, it’s Matty.” He beamed. “You should call me Matty. All my friends do. Hope you don’t mind; I’m going to borrow your fiancé for a bit.”

Without waiting for an answer, Matty draped an arm over Nico’s shoulder, leading him down the hall. Nico looked back, shooting a long-suffering look at August who smiled back.

Nico clearly didn’t understand why his team and his family were all fussing over him so much. And August could understand his frustration but he also wanted to shake Nico because he hadn’t seen the footage from the Buffalo game.

Or at least August assumed as much. Nico had certainly never mentioned it or seemed interested in seeking it out.

August wished he’d stop seeing it on replay in his head but he couldn’t. And he suspected Matty and Dustin and Isa and Pieter and all of the rest of the people who cared about Nico were in the same boat.

There was a reason everyone felt so overprotective.

August followed Matty and Nico, hoping he’d see someone he recognized soon. He was only a few steps down the hall when Kate appeared in a doorway.

“Glad you could make it today, August,” Kate said with a smile as she fell into step beside him. “We’re all so grateful for what you’ve done for Nico.”

August shrugged. “I’m glad I’ve been able to help.”

“How are you holding up?” She slowed to a stop, her gaze searching.

“I’m okay. Just trying to take it one day at a time.”

“I thought the date you and Nico had the other day was a nice touch. I always forget how good at PR Nico is when he puts his mind to it.”

“And when he doesn’t?” August asked.

Kate smiled grimly. “He makes my life a living hell. But that is not something we need to think about today. Today is about the team and the holidays. Follow me and I’ll show you around.”

“Thanks,” August said. “Nico got kidnapped by Matty and I worried I might get lost. This place is huge.”

“It’s quite the setup,” Kate replied with a smile. “A big change from when I was a kid tagging along in my dad’s footsteps, that’s for sure.”

“I still feel like an idiot for not knowing the connection between you and Martin Foster.”

“It’s fine, August. I told him about the fish and he was flattered. Although he said he hoped the fish didn’t spend as much time in net as he did.”

August laughed at the quip. “No, the fish has a roomy tank and, thankfully, my neighbor takes good care of him. Although I’ll be heading home tonight to check on my place. With the storm that’s supposed to come in overnight, I figured I should make sure everything was squared away.”

“It’s supposed to be quite a lot of snow,” Kate agreed. “Shame it’s hitting this close to the holidays.”

“As if flights aren’t always crazy enough, right?”

“Exactly. I doubt I’ll make it to Buffalo to see my parents. Do you celebrate Christmas with yours?”

“Usually it’s my twin brother and my parents and I. They’re out of the country so it’ll just be Jules and I this year, I guess. I haven’t thought much about it.” August laughed ruefully. “I haven’t even bought him a gift and I’m usually done shopping by December 1st.”

“I’m sure he’ll understand, given the circumstances.”

“Well, he’ll harass me mercilessly about it but yes, he’ll understand.”

Kate laughed. “My sister and I are like that too.”

“Thanks for the reminder to talk to Jules about the holidays though,” August said. “I’d nearly forgotten.”

“Glad I could help.” Kate pointed toward a set of open double doors. “Come on, you can drop your skates in the locker room before we join the party in the lounge.”

The lounge was filled with festive decorations, long tables were laden with an impressive array of food and drinks, and there was a backdrop and camera set up for photos with Santa.