Page 111 of The Head Game

Oh no. Nico felt a pang in his chest. Poor Auggie. That must have hurt like hell.

“I’m sorry,” Nico managed. He reached out to touch August’s cheek.

August shrugged, looking away for a moment. “It sucked. But sex with you was—was what I needed then. It got me through a rough night and we had a good time and whatever mess we’re in now, I don’t regret that we hooked up then.”

“Well that’s good. I like when people have a positive customer experience.”

August cracked a smile. “Four and a half stars.”

Nico narrowed his eyes. “What’ll it take to get five?”

“Honestly, my head being in a better place.”

“You’re still missing your ex?”

August slipped past him, reaching for a bottle of shampoo. “Not—not the way I was then.”

“Well that’s good, right?” Nico shifted to look at August again.

“Yeah.” August’s shoulders flexed as he scrubbed his scalp. “It is. But my job is on the verge of being destroyed and we’re about to lie to the entire world and tell them we’re engaged. It’s a lot, Nico. My life is usually very orderly and predictable.”

“But do you like that?” Nico reached out and trailed his fingertips down August’s back. God, he had a spectacular body.

August froze. “I … I don’t know. I would have sworn I did but now I’m not entirely sure.”

“Maybe orderly and predictable wasn’t working for you,” Nico said. “I’m not saying blowing up your career was a good way to get your kicks but maybe this situation doesn’t have to be all bad.”

August turned to face him. A trickle of soapy water meandered across his forehead, moving toward his eye. Nico reached out and wiped it off.

August chuckled and tipped his head back, letting the spray of the showerhead wash the suds away. “So, what? You think sex is going to solve all my issues?”

“Nope.” Nico shrugged. “Even I know it doesn’t do that. But it’s a fun way to spend your time. And it can be a great distraction when life is shit.”

“Shouldn’t a person worry more about changing their life than distracting themselves from it?”

“Sure,” Nico said slowly. “But sometimes you can’t. Like I can’t change that they scooped out part of my brain with a melon baller.”

“That’s not what they did!” August said, but he grinned as he slicked his hair off his face, stepping back so Nico could get to the water.

Someday I’m going to remodel this bathroom and get a dual-headed shower, Nico thought absently.

“Wait, Nico,” August said when he ducked his head. “I know the doctor said you can get your incision wet but should you—”

“Oww!” Nico yelped when the water hit his incision directly, his feet sliding out from under him when he tried to dodge the needle-sharp stream.

“Hey, careful.” August grasped his upper arms, steadying him before he took a tumble and smacked his head open on the tiles. “Or you’re going to give yourself a concussion on top of it all.”

“Shit. Thanks.” Nico grimaced. “Guess I won’t do that again.”

“Seriously. Are you okay?” August gave him a concerned look. “That’s what I was trying to warn you against.”

“Yeah. I should have listened. The scar is more sensitive than I realized. The water made the nerves go ‘zing!’.” He wrinkled his nose. “Terrible feeling but the doc said it’s normal for the nerves to do weird things as they regrow, and it’s fine now.”

“Okay.” August squeezed his biceps before he let go. “Anyway, they didn’t scoop your brain out with a melon baller.”

“Well that’s what it felt like.” Nico scowled. “But my point was, I can’t do anything to change it. I can waste my fucking time regretting that I didn’t go to the doctor sooner or I can move on. Guess which one is going to do me more good?”

“You’re not one for ruminating on the past, huh?”