Page 112 of The Head Game

“Well, it seems pointless to worry about shit I can’t change.”

“Surprisingly wise and introspective of you.”

“I’m more than a pretty face, incredible defenseman, killer DJ, and great lay.” Nico smirked.

“So modest.”

“I’m just saying, I can bitch and moan about all of the shit that’s happened lately or I can keep moving forward. You can’t change the fact that your job’s on the line. But you can do whatever you can to salvage it. Look, Kate’s smart as fuck. If she says this is what we should do, we should do it.”

“I get that. And I’m on board with Kate’s plan because you’re absolutely right about her. Plus, I’m all out of other options. But what we tell the public doesn’t have to impact what we do in private.”

August wanted him, he could see it. Why was he playing hard to get? “We’re both going to have to deal with a lot of crap for a while, right? Why not have sex and enjoy ourselves while we do that?”

“What if it complicates things?”

Oh good God, August was so far up his own ass about this he was twisting himself into pretzels of worry. The guy needed to loosen and up and damn it, Nico was just the man for the job.

And what better way to loosen up than to fuck? It had always worked for him.

Nico scoffed, blowing off his protests. “You already promised me you aren’t going to fall in love with me, so we’re good.”

“Yeah, well, I am sure you can have sex with anyone you want. Why me?”

“A: you’re hot, you have a nice dick, your thighs and ass are incredible, and we’re sharing a bed every night so you’ve got that going for you.” Nico shrugged. “And B: even for me, it’s probably going to look a little weird if I’m getting it elsewhere. You know the gossips love me. I’m not willing to bet I could keep it under wraps no matter how hard I tried. And absolutely no one is going to believe you’re in an open relationship.”

“True. But are you capable of monogamy?” August’s look was skeptical.

“Hey, fuck you,” Nico said, poking him in the chest. “Sure, I like to screw around but when Sky and I were together-together I managed fine. I can commit to someone if that’s what they want. Personally, I’m not hung up on it either way. I don’t see any point in limiting myself when I’m single or with someone who’s cool with it being a little more open, but I can follow through when I promise they’re my one and only.”

August looked surprised, then a little embarrassed. “Okay, fair. Sorry.”

“Whatever.” Nico shrugged. “I’m just saying, don’t assume you know what I’m like.”

“I won’t.”

Nico grinned. “And hey, what if I told you you’re the last person I had sex with?”

August froze. “No.”



“Really. Don’t let it go to your head too much though. I’ve been feeling like shit and I did have a brain tumor at the time. Sex was a weirdly low priority during all that.”

August laughed, like Nico had hoped he would. “There’s that.”

“I’m just saying … we could make this whole fake engagement a lot more pleasant.” He reached out and trailed his wet hand down August’s chest, enjoying the flex of his muscles. “For both of us.”

August sucked in a breath.

“You know, it usually doesn’t take this much effort to get someone to have sex with me,” Nico admitted in a dry tone. “Either I really am hideous looking now or all of my appeal was in my hair.”

August let out a surprised laugh but quickly sobered. “You’re not hideous, Nico. How many times do I have to tell you?”

“Dunno. Definitely some more.” Until I believe it, he thought. He definitely wasn’t admitting that shit aloud.

Maybe some of what he thought showed through on his face though because August reached out and cupped his cheek. “Nico … being attracted to you isn’t the problem at all. Of course I want you.”