Page 155 of The Head Game

“We’re already fake engaged,” August said drily. “I’m not sure how much more serious it can get. And why are you reading that trash site?”

“Cause you don’t tell me anything. And we need to talk about the video Nico posted.”

“Oh.” August rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Nico thought it would be good to do.”

“So you’re casually having sex with a man you’re fake engaged to.”

“Uhh …” August’s brain went on the fritz. “Wait, what video did he upload?”

Had Nico somehow … accidentally recorded and uploaded a video of the incredibly hot morning blowjobs yesterday? He wouldn’t have done it on purpose, but was it possible to inadvertently do if they’d rolled over onto the phone or something?

Jules snorted. “It wasn’t a sex video, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Shit.” A wave of relief washed over August. “You had me going for a minute.”

“No, eww. I don’t want to see your ‘o’ face. Though don’t you remember, he had that sex tape scandal a few years ago? Him and Skylar on some balcony or something. I don’t remember. I avoided it because it was a totally gross invasion of their privacy to hack their phones and leak it. I know they tried to get it taken down but I bet you can find it if you google it hard enough.”

“Yeah, no, I’m good there,” August said firmly. He had no issues with Nico having slept with anyone in the past but he didn’t need to watch it.

Besides, straight porn had never done anything for him and Jules was absolutely right about the invasion of privacy.

“So what video do you mean?” August prompted when Jules didn’t say anything.

“The one of the two of you in bed. You’re both shirtless and all sexed up and Nico is talking about how amazing you are.”

“Oh yeah, that one.” August groaned, although he wanted to argue the sex hadn’t happened until after. “I still can’t believe I agreed to it.”

“I mean, if you want it to look like the two of you are totally into each other, it worked. Who knew you were that good of an actor?”

The passenger door opened.

“Well, you know, a good orgasm helps me forget how annoying he is.” He winked at Nico.

Nico grinned back. “Who are you talking to, Auggie? And who’s annoying?”

“You,” August said, lowering the phone and pressing it against his chest. “And I’m talking to my brother.”

“Oh, is that the infamous Jules?” Nico waggled his fingers. “I want to say hi.”

“I am going to regret this, aren’t I?” August grumbled, but he handed over the phone.

“Hi, Jules! Nico Arents here.”

Nico fell silent for a moment before he laughed. “Right? So uptight. But he’s been great.”

Nico listened, intently, nodding more and August was afraid to consider what Julius could be saying. “Yeah, tell me about it. Dunno, Auggie’s growing on me or something.”

Nico’s eyes sparkled as he glanced over at August.

Laughing again, Nico hummed. “So you want an intro to Skylar, huh? I don’t know. She’s kinda my best friend. How do I know you won’t be a dick to her?”

Nico grinned even wider at August, clearly having way too much fun with this.

“Really? Environmentalism? That’s why you’re into her?” Nico snorted. “Fine. Yeah, I’ll hook you up sometime, dude. Sky’ll be into that shit.”

They went on for a few moments before Nico said goodbye, ended the call, and handed August’s phone back.

He raised an eyebrow. “Good convo with my brother?”