August sighed. “I really do question your definition of fun, Nico.”
“And I question your ability to have fun,” Nico teased. “Work with me here, Auggie.”
“The things I do for you,” August grumbled. “But okay. Tell me what I need to do.”
A full hour and nearly all of August’s patience later, they finished recording and editing.
“This better be worth it,” he warned as Nico uploaded it. “I felt ridiculous.”
“It will be. I know my shit,” Nico said confidently.
August was glad to see Nico had gone without a toque in the video. His hair was beginning to grow, not enough to cover the healing incision yet, not even a full centimeter long, but it softened the scarred area and made it less noticeable.
August reached out to brush his fingertips across the area but pulled away before he could complete the gesture.
“What?” Nico said, sounding oddly self-conscious.
August explained what he’d been thinking and Nico shrugged. “I’ve been feeling better about it, I guess. Besides, it would look funny to wear a hat in bed and I’m not sure even I can pull off those old-timey nightcap thingies with the pompoms on the end.”
August laughed and stretched, pleased to see Nico’s spark returning. Despite yesterday’s activity, he’d slept well and there were no signs of a headache.
That was encouraging.
Nico rolled onto his stomach and batted his lashes. “So, I know you said no to the sex tape but I’m so horny, Auggie, and I have an idea.”
August shot him a look. “What’s that?”
“I’ll give you two guesses and they’re both blowjobs.”
August laughed and propped his head on his hands. “I think that sounds doable.”
* * *
The following day as August waited for Nico to get out of his PT appointment, he squinted at the cryptic text from his brother. A bunch of exclamation marks was not enough to clue him in to what Jules was talking about.
August sent back ????? in response.
You and Nico! he got back.
That still wasn’t helping. August hit dial.
“What about me and Nico?” August asked when the call connected.
“I am at work right now. You know that, right?” Julius let out an aggravated sigh.
“Then why on earth did you text me?”
“Because I thought you’d text me back like a normal person.”
“Just tell me what the text meant.”
“I told you, you and Nico.”
“But what does that mean?”
“I saw your Instagram posts. They were linked on JockGossip. Oh my God, is it getting serious between you two?”