August stared after him for a moment before he scrambled to follow.
“Yeah?” he asked when he fell into step beside Nico. They were fake engaged. There was a ring on August’s finger to prove it, but beyond that … “Are we dating?”
“Well, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. We should have some stuff on social media. We got away with it all because I was in the hospital but we probably should post more stuff now, right? Kate did mention that the last time we talked.”
“Oh, right,” August said, clearing his throat. That made more sense. For a moment he’d thought … but no, that was crazy. “I suppose so. Yes. Good idea.”
“So was lunch and shopping for records your only plan for the day?” Nico asked with an easy smile, like he had no idea how much he’d sent August spinning sideways in confusion. “Not that I’m complaining. I went to two of my favorite places in the city and I had a great time. How’d you guess?”
“Well, you picked out the restaurant,” August pointed out. “And the record store was mostly luck. But I know you love music. Clubbing seemed out of the question and so did concerts. Because of your head, I mean. I was trying to think of something you could do right now.”
Nico nodded but he shot August a skeptical look. “You were really going to take me clubbing otherwise? If I felt up to it and all.”
August shrugged. “It wouldn’t be my thing, but sure. If you wanted.”
Was he a good dancer? Absolutely not. But he’d manage. He’d do almost anything to put that light in Nico’s eyes.
Nico’s lips twitched. “Do you have special clubbing sweater vests or something?”
August shot him an exasperated look. “No. But I do have clothes I could wear.”
Maybe. August wasn’t entirely sure but he’d figure something out if it ever came to it. A plain black T-shirt would suffice, right?
Nico grinned. “Someday I would like to see that. Maybe we can go for my birthday.”
“When is that?”
“March 27th. I’m hoping Sky has her baby on my birthday. But she refuses to have an Aries.”
“You believe in astrology?” August said dubiously.
“I mean, I don’t believe in all of it but Aries are bold, energetic, charismatic, fun, passionate, and competitive. Sound familiar?” Nico grinned.
“I notice those are all positive traits.” August’s tone was dry.
“We’re also impatient, reckless, headstrong, irresponsible, and self-involved.”
“Well that part sounds familiar, eh.”
Nico laughed. “Let me guess, you’re a Capricorn?”
“I …” August sighed. He blamed Julius for why he even knew that. “Yes.”
“Ha! I could totally tell. Practical, driven, disciplined, loyal, helpful, sincere …”
“And the negatives?”
“Stuffy, demanding, stern, stubborn …”
August huffed. Nico wasn’t wrong but that didn’t mean he needed to admit it.
Nico’s grin widened, like he knew what August was thinking. “What date were you born on?”
“January 19th.”
Nico nudged him with his elbow. “We’ll have to do something fun then.”
“Your idea of fun or my idea of fun?” August asked dubiously.