Page 144 of The Head Game

“I was hoping for both.” Nico shrugged. “I mean, I thought we both were having a good time today.”

“We were. I mean, I am.” August had even enjoyed watching Nico shop for records for hours on end. He’d looked so happy.

“Good. Thanks for being patient with me in the shop. Skylar gives up after fifteen minutes.”

August laughed. “You were having a good time. It was nice to see you smile so much. I know things have been hard lately.”

Nico leaned in, pressing a kiss to August’s jaw, like he was saying thank you without words.

They resumed walking, moving slowly, like they were both reluctant to put an end to the day.

When they passed a bakery wafting out the most delicious butter and sugar smells, August paused, catching the sleeve of Nico’s jacket. “We should get cake to celebrate your progress in rehab.”

Nico looked surprised. “I’m not supposed to be having cake.”

August shrugged. “We’ll split a cupcake then. Not too much, just something to mark the occasion.”

Nico turned and studied his face. “You’re weirdly into this. You don’t strike me as the type to get … sentimental about these things.”

August shrugged. “Jules always likes to celebrate the small wins so I got in the habit of doing that too.”

“I think I’d like to meet Jules someday.”

“Well, if you ever feel like hanging out with him, let me know,” August said with a chuckle. “He’s dying for an introduction to Skylar. He’s had a crush on her for years.”

“Really? That’s hilarious. Although he’s not the first person I’ve had try to get in with Sky through me. You don’t want to know what kind of comments she gets on social media.”

August grimaced. “I can imagine.”

“I’d trust your brother not to be a total creep though.”

August grinned. “I mean, Jules and I are pretty different but he’s a decent guy. Definitely not the type to leave creepy comments.”

“See, I trust that if you say he’s a good dude, he is.”

“Does that mean you think I’m a good dude?”

August slid his arms around Nico’s waist, pulling him close. The bag of records thumped gently against August’s butt as Nico mirrored the gesture.

Smiling, Nico pressed another kiss to August’s jaw. “You’re okay, Auggie. You’re kinda growing on me, I think.”

“Good to know.”

Nico’s expression turned serious. “Honestly, today has been great. You have no idea how much I needed this.”

August studied his face. “Needed what, exactly?”

“I—I get stagnant feeling, sometimes. Like every day is exactly the same and I have to go do something to make that go away.”

August nodded. “I don’t get that way myself but Jules does. I’m pretty good at recognizing the signs.”

Nico sighed. “Can you believe I stayed in Toronto last summer instead of going to Amsterdam? That should have been my first clue something was wrong with me.”

“Do you miss it a lot?”

“Mmm, I usually get my fill in the off-season but yeah, it’s been a long time. I’m definitely missing it now.”

“Do you think you’ll move to Europe someday?”