Zeydan smiled. “It’s normal when vampires reach their biological prime.”
Diana beamed. “You look gorgeous, sis.” She flicked a glance at Zeydan. “I thought this one was going to monopolize your company for at least one more day.”
“I’ve got a name, Diana,” Zeydan said wryly. “And it’s not like you’ve stayed away as much as I would have liked.”
Diana scowled at him.
Aella laughed. “Actually, I need to talk to Diana in private.”
Diana huffed, crossing her arms and giving Zeydan a smug look.
Zeydan rolled his eyes at her, leaning to kiss Aella’s cheek before leaving.
Diana wrinkled her nose. “You know, I was pissed at him, and he’s still not completely off the hook as far as I’m concerned, but he truly loves you.”
Aella’s stomach flip-flopped. “Er, he’s never said it. I haven’t either.”
Diana chuckled. “You two saps say it with your eyes all the time.” She faked a shudder. “It’s a bit disturbing.”
Aella stuck her tongue out at her sister. “Shut up.”
Diana wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “What did you want to talk about?”
Aella pointed at the bench further down the hall. “Let’s sit.”
They sat. Aella hesitated, but Diana looked worried, and she deserved to learn the full horrible truth about their past. So Aella told her everything Israel had said.
Diana went pale, her freckles stark against her skin. “Fuck.” She placed her elbows on her knees and ran her hands through her hair. “Fucking bastard. I wish I’d given him a slower death.”
Aella couldn’t blame her. “I wish I’d known our mother.”
Diana smiled ruefully, leaning back against the wall. “She always smelled like apple pie. She had calloused hands from all the unappreciated labor she had to do, but they were soft to me. We were happy when we were alone, but there was always sadness in her eyes. Still, she was kind. Always so kind. I wish you could have met her, too.”
Aella placed her head on Diana’s shoulder, feeling a pang of mourning in her stomach. Her sister held her close and together, they let the injustice of it all hurt. Minutes went by, but Aella wasn’t in a hurry. She’d missed Diana so much.
“I was so afraid that the psychotic nurse had killed you while I was taken,” she whispered.
Diana kissed the top of her head. “She probably would have, but Nurse Jasmine found me just in time. She saved me. And Zeydan used his blood to heal me.”
Aella’s body went very still. “Oh?” she muttered, half horrified and half amused to realize a definitely irrational part of her felt a bit jealous.
Diana pulled back to gauge her expression and grinned knowingly. “Relax, sis. He’s hot as Hell, but I’m 100% sapphic.”
Aella covered her face with her hands, peeking at Diana through her fingers. “I know. Sorry.”
Diana booped her nose. “Vampires are such territorial creatures. Are you going to start growling at anyone who gets too close to Mr. Tall, dark, and moody?”
Aella groaned, remembering she had already. “Nope.”
“Ooh, you have already, haven’t you?” her sister teased, tickling her.
“Stoppit,” she whined.
Diana laughed, and Aella joined her.
They both turned to see Evan approaching. He grinned at Aella. “You look fabulous, darling!”
Aella chuckled, standing so he could hug her and make her turn in a circle. “Thank you. Should I assume it was you who filled that closet for me?”