Evan grinned. “Maaaybe.”
Diana stood, smiling at Evan. “Hacker, stylist, warrior, and always magazine ready. How on Earth are you single?”
Evan let out a long, dramatic breath, running a hand through his artfully layered blond hair. “I don’t know, darling. I don’t know. Are you two ready to come down? We’re having a bit of a feast.”
Diana and Aella shared a look and said: “Yes.”
Together, they made their way down the stairs.
“Oh, I got you a new phone,” Evan said, handing Aella a sleek gray smartphone. “Aroth recovered the old one, but it was broken. I promise I didn’t peek around, but it has all your data.”
Aella shrugged. “Thank you. I have nothing scandalous anyway. I know how to use Tor browser in incognito mode.”
Evan beamed like a proud parent. “That’s my girl!”
Diana arched a dark red brow at Aella. “What sort of perversions are you looking for online, sis?”
Aella ignored her blush. “What happens in Tor browser, stays in Tor browser.”
Evan took out his phone from his pocket. “Oh, that reminds me.” He typed for a moment.
Aella and Diana received a notification by the time they reached the bottom of the stairs.
Aella unlocked the screen and found an invitation to a group chat named, “IN THIS HOUSE WE SHIP MARDREAS.”
“Oh my goddess,” Diana protested. “Not another one!”
Giggling, Aella accepted the invite and got in. There were memes already.
Evan made a zipping motion over his lips when they were mere steps away from the open double doors of the massive dining room. There was indeed an outright feast going on. The table was laden with roasted meat, chicken, lamb, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, a huge bowl of Greek salad, and thermoses of blood. All those who could eat were filling up their plates.
“Zeydan is right,” Diana said to Evan. “You are all a bunch of nosy buggers.”
Zeydan, sitting at the right of the head of the table—occupied by Kamilla—looked up at the mention of his name. He clearly heard them despite the ongoing conversations happening at the almost full table. Next to him, there was an empty seat, and after that sat Aiko and Luce. Mari and Andreas were next to each other and bickering as usual. Kamilla was talking to Aylana and Sebastian at her left. Gabby and Lex were seated right after them. Kerian was at the foot with Dyson to his right and Isaiah to his left. The three of them were discussing something, too.
Isaiah gave Aella a smile that she returned at once. His dark eyes reflected genuine warmth and what Aella could only think of as, ‘What the Hell is happening?’ She understood the feeling.
Evan took his place next to Isaiah and patted the empty seat beside him while giving Diana an inviting look. Diana grinned and accepted the seat.
Luce stood from the table and ran toward Aella giving her an attack hug that made her stumble back slightly. Luce apparently didn’t know her own strength. She looked up at Aella with bright, happy, but melancholic brown eyes. “Thank you for saving my friend.”
Something sharp twisted inside Aella but she smiled and hugged her back. “I’m glad you guys are together again.”
Luce broke the hug, taking Aella’s hand and leading her up to the table.
Kamilla came to hug Aella as well. Her hair was loose, cascading down her back in golden waves, and contrasting beautifully with her green dress.
Aella buried her nose in Kamilla’s neck and hair, inhaling her familiar white chocolate-lime-flowers scent.
Kamilla placed her hands on Aella’s shoulders and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be there when you need to talk, alright?”
Aella nodded. “Thank you.”
Kam let her go and went back to her seat.
Aylana came next, giving Aella a bear hug. “You had me so fucking worried that I prayed for you. Me, a heathen.”
Aella chuckled. “Thank you. I actually think it worked.”