Zeydan took her hand. “You’ve been out for a full day. I didn’t want to leave your side for a second, but Mari threatened to hex my arse if I didn’t let her examine you in private this morning. Diana, Kamilla, and Aylana stopped by a while ago to watch over you, too.”
Aella chuckled at his almost pout.
Zeydan trailed her knuckles with his thumb. “Aiko is…” He took a deep breath. “She is talking, eating, and behaving almost normally. Luce has been with her at all times. They shared a bed last night. Which is how we know she has nightmares. Kamilla has spoken with her, but she’s not ready to talk about everything yet.”
“Understandable,” Aella said, chest squeezing. “It took me a long time to tell Kamilla a lot of things. I still haven’t told her everything.”
Zeydan squeezed her hand a bit tighter. “I can imagine.”
Aella knew he could. What he’d gone through at the hands of his own father… She didn’t know if he and Gabby had ever spoken to anyone but each other about it.
“So, Kamilla is arranging for Aiko to be seen by a trauma specialist,” Zeydan said. “Her name is Peony, and she’s the best mind healer Kam knows. We will speak to Aiko about it soon, but we want to give her some time to acclimate to us, to this new life.”
Aella smiled ruefully. “She’s not alone anymore. That’s all that matters. I can’t fathom what losing her family in such a cruel way can be like. I lost mine and even though I didn’t remember them, I wanted them back for a long time. I still do.” Her eyes prickled. “It will never be the same, but Aiko needs to know she’s not alone, that she’s loved. It’s the most important thing. It gives you hope that one day being alive might not hurt so much.”
Zeydan blinked fast and swallowed hard, wrapping an arm around Aella’s shoulders. “I’ll make sure Aiko knows she’ll always have us. I promised Tatsuki and Anna I would raise her as my own if something happened to them and I will keep that promise.”
Aella’s chest tightened with a confusing mix of relief and mourning. “I am so happy to hear that.” She took a steadying breath and placed a kiss on his shoulder. “You will be a great parent to her.”
Zeydan sighed. “I don’t know about that. But I’ll do my best.”
“I know you will,” Aella said.
Zeydan wiped a stray tear from her cheek, and they stayed in silence until the knots choking their throats eased.
“Isaiah is still here in the mansion,” Zeydan told her. “Kam, Kerian, Sebastian, and Aroth screened him a while ago. Few people can lie to Aroth, and Isaiah didn’t bother to even try. He has many doubts, but he’s genuinely sorry for the kills he took part in. Aroth declared him safe to be around. No harm will come to him from any of us.”
“He was indoctrinated just like I was,” Aella said. “I’m not defending the slaying of innocents, but…”
“It’s complicated as fuck?” Zeydan finished.
She nodded.
He kissed her forehead. “I know. The manipulation machinery of the Order of The Light is brutally effective.”
Aella sighed. “I wish we could stop them. All the families they’ve destroyed… Israel, the priest Diana slayed, her father—he gladly told me he killed my gargoyle mother and vampire father. He thought he owned Aura, my mother. And he destroyed my family. He made Diana think our mother had abandoned her. And that bastard was just the tip of the disgusting iceberg.”
Zeydan growled low. “Fuck. I wish we could put an end to the Order in one fell swoop, too. But that’s not possible. However, there is some slow progress. Sebastian, Kamilla, and Kerian have some very interesting gargoyle friends. And together, they’re trying to dismantle the fucking Order. So maybe one day your wish will be a reality, Aella.”
“One day,” she said, like a promise.
Aella didn’t want to move. She wanted to stay here with Zeydan. But her conscience wouldn’t leave her alone if she didn’t speak with Diana and saw that Isaiah and Aiko were alright with her own eyes.
Zeydan placed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Shall we go downstairs? I think our friends are about to have a meal.”
Aella smiled, not surprised that he knew her so well. “Yes.”
* * *
Zeydan and Aella almost ran into Diana when they left the room. She looked healthy—her short red hair as wild as ever, dressed in a tank top, jeans, and boots.
Her eyes went wide, and she grinned as she examined Aella. “You’re awake!” She lifted Aella off the floor just like Zeydan had, even though they were almost of matching height.
“Am I taller, or am I hallucinating?” Aella asked.
Diana chuckled and pulled back to kiss her cheeks. “You are a bit, yes. Half an inch, I think?”