Page 103 of Halfblood Deceived

Still, she felt a blow of pain radiating from under her ribs to her whole body.

“Why?” she croaked.

“A disgusting need to assert power and dominance,” Diana responded, face tight with defeated anger and pain. “Entitlement, cruelty, outright depraved impulses.” She shook her head. “I don’t know. Everyone has a different theory on why rapists do what they do.” She examined Aella for a moment. “Is it truly surprising?” There was no judgment in her expression, only careful curiosity.

Aella gulped, remembering the dark lust she’d seen many times on Eli’s face.

If he’d managed to drag her somewhere private, what would have happened?

She shivered and hugged her legs to her chest. “Perhaps it shouldn’t be, but all they taught us… The vampires were supposed to be the depraved ones, not our own kind.”

“Oh yes, we, anointed warriors, created to hunt the demons, are pure and superior.” Diana scoffed. “I’ll never pretend there aren’t degenerate vampires or werewolves. Aylana had to deal with a fucking monster of a werewolf that almost killed her twice. But they aren’t all evil by nature.” Her eyes turned thoughtful for half a minute. “There is evil among all species, among all genders. But our species has an alarming percentage of psychopathic bastards who go around destroying innocents in deplorable ways.” Her blue eyes turned far away. “Maybe we were necessary back when we were first made by the angels. When the most brutal royal vampires still lived and enslaved as they pleased. When supernaturals killed each other and the humans fell like flies in the crossfire. But that was almost two millennia ago. Times have changed, but gargoyles and the church have not.”

Aella rubbed her eyes. Her head was throbbing. “Do you think we gargoyles are born evil?”

Diana let out a long breath. “I’ve asked myself that many times. And no, I don’t. I think the brainwashing we are subjected to from when we are babies plays a huge role in what we ultimately become. So are most gargoyles born evil? No. But do most grown warrior males—and some females—enjoy ripping apart supernaturals, no matter if they’re guilty of something or not? Yes. Still, being taught to hate is not a valid excuse to become degenerate killing machines. Look at you and me. The second we saw the truth, we rebelled.” She shook her head and massaged her temples. “Maybe if an entire generation could be taught the truth, maybe then this endless war would come to an end. But that seems impossible.”

Aella felt sore inside with helplessness.

How many more children were being killed by gargoyles right that second?

Not even the Davashkov twins, with their obvious wealth and power, could put an end to it. All they could do was offer a haven and defend it with all they had. Despite that, one day, it might not be enough.

“Come on,” Diana said, standing and taking Aella’s hand. “Let’s make dinner.”

Aella nodded and went with her sister, knowing this was the last time they’d cook together. And hoping Diana would eventually remember their evenings together with the same heartwarming feeling that wrapped around Aella at that moment.


Aella left Diana’s home as soon as it was completely dark out.

Her hardworking sister had left a few hours before, saying goodbye to Aella with a gentle kiss on the forehead, as she usually did.

Aella had sneaked in a hug that Diana had immediately returned. She hoped it conveyed her gratitude and love. Her insides still ached with the bittersweetness of feeling Diana’s heart beating against hers as she entered the park.

She consulted a map with a small flashlight Diana kept in one of the kitchen drawers. Following the creek that ended at her destination was easy. She did her best to avoid the paths, not wanting to run into people.

At every small rustle of leaves or the soft crunch of a twig, her heart raced with a dizzying mix of anticipation and fear.

The foreboding sensation increased when she had to cross the Stonehenge-like site that—according to the local legends—was used by witches during their Sabbath.

There were no witches in sight, however.

Or werewolves.

Only a few rabbits, a deer, and even a bear that hadn’t even bothered looking in her direction.

Feeling oddly numb, Aella plunged ahead, focusing on the sound of the wind through the tall canopies of the trees. Her whole body shook. The invisible weight pressing against her chest made her breathing shallow.

She had made a decision the night before.

One that was sinful, according to everything that had been taught to her all her life. But since most of that had been lies—horrible, perverse, filthy lies—she could live with it.

Or die with it, as it were.

Others had it worse than her, Aella knew this, but it didn’t lessen the pain.

It didn’t make the horrible memories plaguing her night and day disappear.