Page 33 of Mike's Assistant

“Because he’s a fluffy bunny. Pretty hard to fear that,” Owen said matter of fact.

“Hey! I’m a rabbit. A big, giant Flemish rabbit,” Brian protested.

Owen spun and faced him while Hayden helped me to my feet. I quickly slid on the pair of sweats and T-shirt when Owen said, “You’re a fuzzy bunny, B, and that’s what we need right now to calm Jake down. So, own it.”

Brian scrunched his nose. “Fine, Red, just this once, though.”

Owen looked back at me; it was the first time I noticed he didn’t really look like himself. Yes, he had his crazy puffy bright red hair, but on top of that, he had dark circles under his eyes, pale, almost clammy-looking skin, and an expression that screamed tired and sick.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Owen smiled at me. “I’ll be fine. This bug has got me down. Two weeks. I’m hoping I shake it soon.”

“Are you sure you’re up for it, baby?” Hayden moved to his side and gave Owen a brief hug.

“I’ll be fine, love.” Owen kissed Hayden’s lips softly, and I felt a longing ache spread over my chest. I wanted that with Jake. I glanced back toward the bathroom.

“Come on, son. Let’s step outside and let them talk with your mate,” my dad said, nudging my shoulders toward the exit. I didn’t move right away. It was like I was cemented to the spot. I bowed my head and spotted Jake’s phone. I quickly swooped it up. It was my talisman. It would ensure I’d see him again.

My father nudged my arm again, and I didn’t protest, allowing him to take me out. I looked back in time for Hayden to shut my office door. The sound of the click was like the sound of the final nail in the coffin.

My dad squeezed my shoulder. “It will be all right, son. They’ll talk to him.”

“If anyone can talk some sense into Jake, my Owen can,” Hayden said.

“And my Brian will definitely lighten the mood. Trust Fate, Michael,” Edward joined in.

I nodded and closed my eyes. Gripping Jake’s phone tight, I silently prayed to the heavens and anyone who would listen.

Please, Fate. Let things work out.

Caged Fear


I had barricaded myself in the bathroom, a cage of cold tiles and echoing noises. My heart thudded in a way that felt too loud, and my breath came in ragged, uneven bursts. Each beat served as a vivid reminder of the craziness that had played out in front of me.

Murmurs filtered in through the door, hazy and indistinct. The rational part of my mind whispered they were real, but fear gripped me so tightly that I wasn't sure if they were genuine or conjured by my imagination. Was the lion still out there? Or worse, were there others?

I pulled my knees closer to my chest, and my thoughts circled back to Mike—or was it the lion? I didn’t know. And now, I was caged, with no way out.

A knock reverberated through the room, causing me to jump. “Jake? It’s Vanessa.”

Vanessa? What was she doing here? Did she know about Mike? Was she out there with the lion? My heart stopped at that thought. I went to open the door but froze. What if she was one, too?

“Jake,” her soft voice sounded again.

I couldn’t take the risk. I undid the lock and flung the door open. About to grab her and pull her in, I froze again. Two men I’d never met before were with her. They were unassuming and my size. One had wild, bright red hair, while the other had short-styled platinum blond hair.

I didn’t have time to think. I grabbed Vanessa’s arm, pulling her into the bathroom. “Get in here. There’s a vicious lion out here.”

I yanked her arm, but she didn’t budge. “Jake,” she said softly. “Mike’s not going to hurt you.”

“What do you mean?” I released her and jerked back. “How do you know?”

“Easy, Jake. You don’t know me, but I know what you’re going through. My name’s Owen,” the redhead said.

Owen. Mike had mentioned an Owen. He’s the boyfriend of his best friend, Hayden. How could he know what I was going through?