I sucked in a sob. “Need…. Help. Messed up.”
“Okay, buddy. Where are you? We’ll come to you,” Hayden urgently asked, panic filling his voice.
I sniffed again. “I’m… at the office.”
“We’re on the way. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
I didn’t reply. I could barely speak. I knew what I had done. I scanned the office, and the shreds of my clothes scattered on the floor. He’s never going to want anything to do with me. Oh god. Another sob escaped as I dropped the phone.
The weight of everything caused me to crumble to the ground. My sobs resonated off the office walls. I’d lost everything. A world without Jake in my life would mean nothing.
The office door burst open suddenly, causing me to flinch. Talon was there, eyes wide with alarm as he entered the scene. His tailored suit and pristine appearance contrasted with the surrounding chaos. He rushed to my side.
“Mike,” Talon kneeled, placing a hand on my shoulder. “What happened?” His voice was steady, trying to be the anchor I desperately needed.
“Fucked up,” I said between sobs. “I did the same thing I joked about Alejandro and Randy doing. I couldn’t control my lion. Jake…he saw everything.” I peered up at his eyes, which shone with understanding. “What are you doing here?”
“Hayden and Vanessa called me. They’re on their way, but I was nearby and came up to check on you. Where’s Jake now? Did he run out of here?” he asked.
I shook my head and pointed toward the bathroom door. “He ran and won’t….”
Talon’s eyes widened. “He’s still here?”
I nodded as my office door burst open once more. It wasn’t just Vanessa and Hayden, but Hayden’s mate Owen, my father, my king, Edward, and his mate, Brian. They all stumbled at the entrance, taking in the storm around us before their gazes landed on me. Seeing my naked body seemed to confirm their thoughts. Vanessa’s following words certainly did.
“Oh shit, you shifted.”
Hayden ran toward me and crouched on my side opposite Talon. “Bro, are you okay? What happened other than…” his voice trailed off, and he waved his hand around the office.
“The pussycat obviously lost it and scared his mate,” Brian said, his usual snark flowing in his tone.
“Brian,” Owen and Edward said in unison.
Brian raised his pierced brow. “What? It’s our thing. I give Mike shit, and he gives it right back, calling me a prey princess. It’s how we show love.”
I knew Brian meant well, and usually, he’d be correct, but at this moment, I didn’t care. I glanced back toward the bathroom before looking up at Brian. “I’m not up for it, Brian.”
Brian’s eyes widened, and he crouched in front of me. “Come on, Mike. It’ll work out. You gotta trust Fate. We’ll go find your mate and talk to him. You’ll see.”
“Ah, guys. You won’t have to look too far,” Talon said, causing everyone to stare at him. He pointed toward the bathroom. “Jake’s locked up in the bathroom.”
“Crap, he’s still here. Oh my god,” Vanessa twirled on her heel and started for the door.
“Vanessa, wait,” Owen ordered.
She looked back. “What? I’m going to get him out here.”
Owen ignored her and looked at Talon. “Talon, go find some clothes for Mike.” Talon nodded and hurried out of the office before Owen gazed back down. “Hayden, why don’t you, your dad, and Walter take Mike and head out into the hallway? Brian, Vanessa and I will talk with Jake.”
His words were like a spike in my chest, and they caused me to cringe. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to talk to my mate and beg for his forgiveness.
Owen crouched to my level. “I know deep down you don’t want to go anywhere, but right now, Jake’s scared of you.”
I cringed again, but Owen carried on. “Mike, if I hadn’t known Brian for nearly ten years when I saw Hayden’s shift, I’d probably be just like Jake—scared. Humans don’t really believe in the paranormal. Heck, even the ones that do believe have some doubts, especially if they’ve never seen it before.”
“Why does Brian get to stay?” Talon asked, handing me a pair of sweats.