A surprised laugh erupted from Jack’s throat.

‘You have no idea how tempting that is.’

‘I do, because I’d love to give him a piece of my mind, playing fast and loose with his people’s well-being. Trying to turn your magnificent offer into a political football.’

She sounded so fierce, as if she’d defend him against all comers. Jack liked that, so much. His pulse quickened, knowing this fiery, feisty, sweet woman stood by him.

‘You don’t mind me changing your plans?’

‘Not in the least. I think it’s brilliant.You’rebrilliant. I can’t wait to see you charm the Prime Minister into submission.’ She’d do it too. ‘Thank you, Elisabeth. It means everything,’ his voice thickened, ‘knowing you’ve got my back. No-one has ever done that before.’

‘Then get used to it, because I always will. Just as I know you’ll always be here for me.’

He nodded, momentarily lost for words.

It was easier to show her how he felt.

He stood, scooping her up off his lap and depositing her on the desk. Exultation shot through him as she opened her knees so he could step between her thighs.

‘There’s just one thing.’

‘Hm?’ Jack was focused on sliding liquid gold silk up her bare thighs.

‘I know the PM wanted you there on Monday but I didn’t change the prenatal scan. Which means we’re not arriving until Tuesday. I didn’t want him thinking he could click his fingers and have you obey. That’s not the way to win his respect.’

Jack paused, hands on satiny warm flesh, and met his wife’s eyes.

‘I couldn’t agree more. Besides,’ he murmured as he leaned down to kiss her, ‘some things are far more important than troublesome clients. Like our baby. Like us.’

Then he kissed her and they forgot about politicians and projects and focused on what was important, their feelings for each other.


‘DEARFRIENDS,WEAREgathered here to celebrate the loving union of Elisabeth and Jack...’

Bess smiled at the man beside her on the secluded Caribbean beach. Jack looked scrumptious in pale trousers and a white linen shirt, cobalt eyes blazing with adoration as they met hers.

The way he cradled the baby in his arms, Alexandra Amber Reilly, made Bess’s heart roll over. The sight of this powerful man, so gentle and loving with their baby, always did that.

Her husband raised one eyebrow and smiled that toe-curling smile, making her think to the night ahead. Her father and Jillian had actually offered to babysit tonight.

Heat skimmed her cheeks as she turned to the celebrant. The affirmation of their marriage vows was simple but beautiful, made more so by the presence of good friends and family. Tom, as best man, beamed from ear to ear, and seeing Michael so solicitous over a pregnant Freya brought tender memories of Bess’s own pregnancy.

At the end of the ceremony Jack gathered her close and she lost herself in the warmth of his smile.

‘Happy, my sweet?’

‘Always. So long as I’m with you.’

‘You took the words out of my mouth.’

And when they kissed she knew she was home.

The Spaniard’s Last-Minute Wife

Caitlin Crews

She did not have it in her to do anything but whisper “Yes.”