‘You’ve changed.’ His gruff voice betrayed the effect of her beauty in clinging silk. He cleared his throat and pushed his chair from the desk. ‘Are we going somewhere?’

She shook her head and sauntered across. ‘No. I just wanted to look good for you. I don’t want you thinking I take you for granted.’

Jack grinned and pulled her onto his lap, remembering her enthusiastic welcome when he’d returned from his trip. ‘That will never happen.’

His hand skimmed her thigh as he leaned in, inhaling the scent of roses and sexy woman unique to his wife.

‘But I want to be sure, so I’ve planned something for us.’

He pulled back to meet her eyes. ‘A surprise?’ His voice dipped as his thoughts strayed to some of the sexy surprises she’d given him. Arousal tightened his jeans across his groin. ‘Tell me more, sweetheart.’

Her smile was smug as she moved against his erection. ‘You know, I have plans for this nice, big desk of yours.’ Her smile widened as she deliberately swiped her palm across the wood, pushing a folder out of the way. Jack’s pulse accelerated to frantic. ‘But that’s not my surprise.’

He was as turned on as a teenager. He had to gulp to get words out. ‘It’s not?’

‘No.’ The teasing glint disappeared and her expression grew serious as she twisted to face him, her palms to his chest.

‘Elisabeth?’ He paused, reading the gravity in her gaze. ‘Bess?’ Anxiety tightened his nape.

‘You know I love you, Jack, don’t you?’

His arms tightened around her. ‘And I love you. Nothing will ever change that.’

Shecouldn’tbe having doubts.

‘I know, my darling. You love me more than I deserve.’ He felt her fingers on his lips when he went to protest. ‘Sh. Let me finish. You’ve given everything to this relationship and that feels unequal. I realised today that I haven’t met you halfway. I knew I loved you for years but was too afraid to admit it until you did.’

Was that all? ‘That doesn’t matter.’

‘It does. I got into the habit of running from things, avoiding confrontations instead of standing up for myself. It’s my fault that you think I’m not strong enough to deal with changes of plan or disappointments.’

Jack reared back. ‘You’re disappointed in our relationship?’

‘Of course not!’ She cupped his jaw and pressed a lingering kiss to his mouth. But when he went to deepen it she withdrew. ‘Soon. Let me finish first.’

He nodded, confused but reassured.

‘You don’t have to keep proving yourself to me, Jack. I’m not going to fail you again. Which is why there’s been a change of plan. Next week you’re travelling to Asia. Leanne’s arranging the details now for you and your team.’

Jack scowled. ‘Leanne told you about that?’

‘Don’t be angry with her. I asked because I was worried about you.’

‘There’s no need. I know what I’m doing.’

Elisabeth nodded. ‘Yes, you’re travelling to Asia and saving that deal. It’s too important, for the people there and for your company, and foryou. I know you’d never have embarked on this if it didn’t mean a lot to you.’

He was already shaking his head but she kept going. ‘I’m not going to collapse in a heap because you have to go away, or because it clashes with my prenatal check, or Tom’s visit. I’m not going to sulk or think you don’t love me because a crisis has cropped up.’

Her eyes shone bright and true and he felt answering heat bloom deep inside.

‘I love you, Jack, and that means supporting you as well as you supporting me. It means giving as well as taking. I’ve changed Tom’s visit, he’s coming a week later.’ She grinned. ‘Because I’m going with you. It turns out the Prime Minister and his wife are expecting their second child. I’m sure she and I will have a lot to talk about while you and her husband are busy with business.’

Jack stared, taking in the light of triumph in her eyes and the determined set of her chin. She looked formidable and sexy and he blessed her generous soul. How could she believe for a second she was anything but strong?

‘You don’t have to do this, Elisabeth. I don’t think you’re weak or unsupportive, or—’

‘Good. I intend to be the best wife I can be. Loving you and supporting you any way I can, including being there and making sure you don’t lose your temper with that slimy politician.’