Jack loved her and the world was a glorious place.

Yet she couldn’t settle. His stark tone teased her. So regretful. Whatever the problem, it was significant, even if he didn’t want to bother her with it.

Fortunately his PA, Leanne, who rang to ask Bess if she’d attend a charity luncheon next month, wasn’t so reticent when asked.

‘You mean he’s scrapping the project?’ Bess couldn’t hide her disbelief. ‘After all that work?’

‘He’s adamant. No matter what everyone says.’

Leanne’s tone made the fine hairs at Bess’s neck rise. ‘What do they say?’

The PA sighed. ‘That the Prime Minister won’t like losing the project, though it’s his fault. He’ll twist things publicly to make it seem like Jack promised something he couldn’t deliver, raising hopes then letting everyone down. He’ll blacken the company’s reputation and—’

‘I get the idea.’ Bess felt queasy. ‘Jack hasn’t said why he’s refusing to go?’

Leanne paused. ‘No.’

But her silence suggested she’d guessed and didn’t want to say.

Bess planted her palm against her rounded abdomen, her mind working frantically.

She thought of Jack’s promise to cut down on travel and delegate more. Her delight at having him with her more often. Her excitement at poring over old maps and plans of the estate with him, discussing improvements and their future here. The growing sense of them living in a glorious, golden bubble of intimacy.

Because, even knowing he loved her, she felt too insecure to share him with the outside world?

Everything stilled inside. He’d even arranged it so she didn’t attend business-related functions with him now. The charity function Leanne had called about was a literacy event she’d thought would interest Bess.

Her breath snagged in her cramping chest. ‘I have to go, Leanne. I’ll talk to you later.’

She severed the call with a shaking hand, dropping the phone.

I can’t go. I’m needed here.

Because he thought she wouldn’t understand how vital this project was to him, to his company and to the many people whose lives it could change?

Because he feared she didn’t trust their relationship and he had to keep proving himself?

Because he knew she’d felt spurned by her family and thought her too fragile to cope if he left her when her scan was due?

Bess dropped onto a nearby sofa.

Wasshe fragile? A coward even?

She thought of how much she hated confrontation, skirting around her stepmother’s disapproval and never challenging her father about how he never stood up for her.

She’d left Jack, twice, without discussing the situation. The first time she’d simply said she was unhappy and the marriage wasn’t working, but he’d still been unwell and not up to a proper conversation about it. The second time she’d sent him a text as she boarded the plane!

When it came to admitting her feelings for him, she hadn’t, not until he had. Jack, who’d never had the security of a mother’s love like her, who didn’t even recognise love, had been the one to confront his emotions and tell her how he felt. He’d taken that risk, not knowing whether she’d reject him.

Whereas she’d loved Jack for years and been too scared to say it out loud.

Bess wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked back in the seat.

She’d thought their relationship perfect now. But how could it be, built on such weak foundations?

‘Tough day?’

Jack looked up to see Bess in the doorway, gorgeous in a figure-skimming dress of gold. The sight of her lifted his spirits.