Besides, he’d just got back this morning from a whirlwind series of meetings outside England. They’d discussed his schedule and decided that, rather than trying to commute more often, he’d minimise his trips away and compress them as much as possible.

He’d missed her every day and he knew, from her enthusiastic welcome, she felt the same.

‘That’s impossible. I can get an engineering team there by then—’

‘Not good enough. He’s already announced the visit. He wantsyou, Jack.’

It didn’t matter, Jack told himself. He could ignore this jumped-up politician and fund a similar project elsewhere.

Except Jack had been there and seen personally how badly this was needed. One of his staff came from the region. That was how he’d learned about the dire circumstances there in the first place.

He set his jaw. ‘Let me think about it.’

Tossing his phone onto the desk in disgust, he headed for the door.

Despite his anger at being dictated to by some grandstanding politician, six months ago he’d have organised the visit because this project was worth it.

But he couldn’t let Elisabeth down. He’d just returned from a trip. And the scan was too important. Not just the scan, but the proof that he’d be there for her when she needed him.

She’d said only a little about how she’d felt rejected by her family but Jack knew enough about rejection to understand her fear of being unlovable ran deep.

He’d told her he loved her and tried to show her every day. He couldn’t, wouldn’t give her cause to think he’d put business before her ever again.

Especially when they’d organised for her half brother to visit too. How would it be if Jack took off to Asia instead of being there, not just for the scan but that too?

A shiver scudded down his spine. That wasnotthe way to build the family they wanted.

He couldn’t risk that, no matter what else was at stake. He’d let his wife down in the past and nothing would persuade him to do that now.

Bess looked up at Jack, his bold features lit by the afternoon sun, and relaxed into his hold.

She revelled in his embrace. It was wonderful to have him home. She’d missed him, though she’d been busy with plans for the gardens and part-time teaching.

‘Are you sure nothing’s wrong?’ She’d found him not in his office but here by the moat, watching the survey of the building, his forehead knotted. ‘Have they found some new problem with the house?’

She hoped not. She’d come to love the old place.

Dark blue eyes met hers and she felt that familiar sizzle. ‘No, it’s all fine. It’s just work on my mind.’

‘Work doesn’t usually make you scowl. Besides, you were happy with the outcome of your meetings when you got home.’

Home, what a wonderful word.

Bess rested her head against his shoulder and hugged him. Together they’d make this place home. Though it wasn’t bricks and mortar that made a home. It was Jack.

‘I am happy. Those projects are going well.’

‘But something else isn’t? You want to talk about it?’

He smiled. ‘Thanks for the offer, sweetheart, but no. I’ve made up my mind how to deal with it.’

Yet the issue clearly played on Jack’s mind. An hour later she was passing his office and heard him say, ‘I know it’s a total disaster, but Ican’tgo. I’m needed here.’ He sounded so tense and angry she pulled up short. ‘I know, but my hands are tied. If he cancels then so be it.’

Bess moved away, not wanting to eavesdrop.

But his words revolved in her head.I can’t go. I’m needed here.He’d sounded tense and regretful. Whatever it was, it was important.

It must involve another trip, one Jack wasn’t prepared to make, and she was grateful. She liked having him here. Liked the sense of belonging that had strengthened since they’d been honest about their feelings. The more time they spent together, planning their future and sharing the minutiae of life, cemented their bond. That meant everything to her.