Taylor smiled up at me, her eyes a little unfocused. “Scott?”
Heat bloomed between us, pulsing. We were so close, it would take the slightest movement and our bodies would touch, her breasts right against my chest and belly. My cock twitched as I briefly fantasized about how that might feel.
And then I stepped back, giving her room to breathe.
She was Logan’s sister. A lifelong friend. And she’d had too much to drink on top of that.
With the distance between us, I was front and center as the expression on her face fell. Disappointed, I realized as she hurried by me. She had been disappointed.
“Fuck,” I whispered to myself as I watched her slow by the door, waiting for my keys. My mind and body were all over the place, and we hadn’t even gotten close to bed.
This was going to be a long night.
Chapter Four
I was awake long after the buzz left my system. Every time I started to drift off, Scott’s face would pop into my mind, hair tossed by our dash to the truck. And then he would say those words.
“I love you.”
Of course, he hadn’t meant it like that. It had just been a turn of phrase between two people who had known each other for a very long time. And if that didn’t surprise me enough, the automatic response that had slipped out was a whole new issue to break down.
Again, the same reasons he said it to me could be applied back to him. But why, when I’d never said that to any other man in my life, had it come out so easily? And more than that, there’d been no regret afterwards.
Just a quiet calm in my chest.
Groaning, I turned over again, tossing the blankets from my legs. Scott had insisted I take the bed, and after a small battle at the sink with our toothbrushes, I had agreed.
That was hours ago, and while Scott had pulled out the couch into a bed, it appeared he had gone straight to sleep. Meanwhile, I lay on this immense queen-sized mattress, alone, frustrated, and more than a little confused.
But I knew one thing. Something had changed between Scott and me. And when it should’ve scared me maybe or at least made me nervous.
It just left me feeling…alone.
With a final toss, I sat up. Grabbing the top blanket, I stood, tiptoeing across the camper until I stood beside the bed. Only a small light came in from the windows above him, but it was enough that I could see his face. He was asleep, handsome face relaxed, the blankets pulled to his waist. Everything above was naked, the thick chest and body on display as I hovered over him.
“Take a picture, sweetheart,” Scott said suddenly, making me jump in place. Nervous giggles slipped from my mouth before I slapped a hand over it.
“Oh God, Scott, I’m sorry.”
He stretched a little. “It’s okay. I’m a little flattered.”
“I just… I can’t sleep.”
Scott scratched his shoulder then shifted a little on the bedding. I could see a sliver of blue eyes watching me. Nerves filled my belly as I realized I hadn’t really had a plan when I came over here. Just that I wanted to be closer. Scott’s soft, full lips curled, and with a grunt, he lifted his arm closest to the camper wall.
“Get in here.”
I bit down on my bottom lip, already bending my knees and climbing over Scott’s legs. Happily, I dropped myself in the newly created gap between Scott’s torso and the wall, sighing when his warmth sank into my skin.
Scott’s arm closed once more, wrapping my shoulders and forcing my cheek to his chest. “Better?”
He smelled like laundry soap and the mint from his toothpaste. So unique and comforting that I almost gave into the desire to press my nose into his skin and breathe him in again. But I didn’t want him to think I’d gone completely off the deep end.
He would find that out all on his own. If he stuck around long enough.
“Better,” I said finally, feeling the weight of sleep wrapping around me.