Page 15 of A Date with Fate

“Goodnight, sweetheart.”

I opened my mouth to answer, but dreams took me away.

It was warm—almost too warm. I wiggled a little, trying to get comfortable, and stretch my leg out over the bedding.

“Careful, Taylor,” a deep voice said from right above me.

I startled, moving my head quickly to stare at the man lying beside me. Or, to put it more correctly, the man I was practically curled on top of. No wonder it had been so warm. In my sleep, I’d flung a leg over Scott’s thighs, my arm lying on his chest as I’d slept.

“Oh gosh, I’m sorry.” I retracted my errant limbs, hiding an awkward grimace as I lay on an elbow over Scott.

“I had no idea you were so snuggly.”

I grinned down at him. “For the right person, I’m always snuggly.”

Scott’s blond brow rose, and my heart leapt in my chest. “And I’m the right person?”

I rolled my eyes. “Conceited, aren’t you? You better be nice, because I do remember something about you, Scott…”

He shifted an elbow from behind his head, the picture of male confidence. “Oh yeah? You don’t have anything on me, little Haley.”

I grinned because I did have something. And it was good. “I remember that you, my giant blanket-stealing friend, are extremely ticklish.”

For a moment, his blue eyes went wide. “You wouldn’t. Not after I let you sleep all over me.”

“Oh, I would.” I rose up on my knees, my fingers waving in his direction.

“Don’t do it.”

Too late. I launched myself back down over his prone form, finding the edge of the blanket and slipping around to torture his sides and arms. Scott howled with indignation as he scrambled to protect his vulnerable parts.

“Taylor!” He laughed loudly, capturing my wrists with his hands.

I paused, leaning precariously over him as I grinned down at him.

“Poor, poor Scott. Can’t handle a little tickling?”

Scott grinned back then yanked my wrists up and forward. With a surprised squeak, I found myself flopping straight down over Scott’s chest. When I looked up, I realized that our noses were practically touching. Our breaths mingled as I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my mind. But I was distracted by the feel of being stretched out over Scott’s body. I was helpless like this, Scott’s hands still holding my wrists above our heads as we stared at each other.

“Now, what were you saying?”

I dropped my knees to the sides of him, prepared to fight back once more, rolling back against his hold on me. In an instant, Scott’s playful expression vanished, replaced by a strangled groan. He cut it off, his neck and jaw straining as I stopped moving once again.

Had I hurt him?

“Sorry, did I…”

Scott shook his head, but I could see the pain across his face. I pushed back more, my hands slipping free of his hold as I tried to balance over his body.

“Stop, Taylor,” he said gruffly, so unlike his usually light and playful tone.

I froze in place, my body heating from the rough way he’d spoken. “What is it?”

Scott’s form shifted on the bedding, that expression still tight on his face. Then, as if flipping a switch, his face changed again, mischief evident in those bright-blue eyes. “Where do you think you’re going?”

He threw his arms out, wrapped it around my waist, and hurled the two of us over, effectively pinning me back to the bedding. I cried out, pushing against his shoulders in mock outrage.

“You monster. I thought I’d hurt you.”