Page 21 of Blue Blood

He crooked his finger at her, and she unconsciously tilted her face up in response. Helpless to obey him.

In a smooth move, he bent down and caught her lips in his–stealing her breath away. Heat poured through every part of her, scorching her as his tongue tangled with hers. All her thoughts, anxieties, and self-consciousness vanished. The only thought that prevailed was him.

Just as quickly–it ended. Gio stood back to his full height and licked his lips, a satisfied look on his face.

"Come work in my office," he ordered. "I'll be expecting you."

She watched in a daze as he strode away. Leaving the peace she'd sought in tatters.

Chapter 4

It was a dream that awoke Ana again in the middle of the night. But it was a wholly different one than the nightmares that usually haunted her. This one did not wake her up with a terrified gasp–with fear throbbing through her.

No, this time she woke up hungry. For Gio.

Ana felt sweat dot the valley between her breasts and wetness dampening her thighs. She turned in the bed, which was empty again, and flushed from head to toe, remembering the dream vividly.

It had been a memory, a replay of what her husband had done two nights ago–her devil of a husband, who would not leave her alone.

After a busy day of meetings, he had somehow found the energy to coax her into two rounds of sex. Tirelessly, relentlessly riding her until she'd fallen into the deepest sleep of her life.

But even that hadn't been enough for him. After wearing her out thoroughly and completely, her indefatigable husband had woken her up again a few hours later. Nearly at dawn.

Ana hadn't realized what was happening at first. Her immediate thought had been panic, frightened that the nightmare was recurring again.

Until she'd noticed his head between her thighs.

She'd barely had time to fully wake up and process the position before his lips had clamped over her folds. Causing every part of her to break into sharp pleasure.

The climax had left her in such a breathless daze. And his arrogant smile–triumphant and smug–had threatened to steal her remaining air.

Gio had simply chuckled then, amused and insistent that she go back to sleep.

How the hell he expected her to simply sleep after that, she had no idea. But he had gotten up for his early morning workout, leaving her restless and hot.

The heat was eating her alive even now, two days later. The memory was playing over and over in her head–until she was a wanton mess. Desperate for relief, desperate for his touch.

It wasn't a surprise that Gio's touch was consuming her this much, not with the way he relentlessly seduced her each night. In the three weeks since their wedding, they had slept together every single one of those nights. Sometimes multiple times a night.

Ana still felt untried and gauche as she tried to mimic his movements in bed. But Gio hadn’t voiced any complaints so far. Rather, the sounds he had made so far were encouraging.

Very encouraging.

Her cheeks flamed, and she covered them with her hands.

Stop it. Ana rubbed circles on her cheeks, hoping to calm herself down.

She’d never thought she could stomach such intimacy. All she had wanted was to fulfill her duty on her wedding night, before retreating back into her shell, where it was safe.

But her mind went curiously blank every time her husband touched her. It was a different touch than she was used to. Most people who approached her did so with scorn and malice, with judgment and disdain–just like Grandfather. She had never encountered someone like Gio, who touched her with intense authority and possession.

Claiming each of her climaxes like a prize.

Before he retreated back to his business and his cool façade again.

That was the part that unsettled her the most. Not the sex or the pleasure. But the way he retreated just when she felt closest to him.

Gio was too skilled at power games. Cold…and cunning. Her Boss. He was a masterful politician in all ways, even in the bedroom. He wielded pleasure so skillfully that she could not resist, even as he kept himself aloof.