Page 22 of Blue Blood

Was she so lonely from years of neglect from Grandfather that she had caved this quickly to Gio's affections? Letting him seduce her, knowing that he was keeping many parts of himself closed off.

It was safer this way, Ana told herself. It was bad enough that she was getting carried away by their physical connection and letting down her guard. At least with emotions out of the picture, she could retain some peace and sanity in this marriage.

And maybe that's what Gio wanted as well, as he freely took her body without opening up in return–to maintain a safe distance from her.

It was hard to tell. Gio was so guarded, so wary of everyone around him. He treated everyone like pawns on a chessboard, nudging them in one direction, only to close in on them from another.

All part of his larger quest to uncover his parents' traitors and gain control of the Family.

Ana's every interaction with him was much the same. Whether it was him watching her as she worked in her empty office…or him rifling through the piles of fabric–no matter what, he was always assessing her. Even when he appeared relaxed, chatting and coaxing her shy smiles with ease, she knew–his mind was whirring away.

Calculating and plotting.

Testing and gauging…waiting to see if she would finally crack.

And do what?

Scream, cry, or submit?

What did he want from her?

Wasn't it enough for him that she carried his name and did her part to make him look good in front of his men? Why did he have to make her a slave to sensation on top of it all?

Ana huffily tried to flop back into sleep. But the memory of his touch and the dream began to invade every part of her…intensifying the slick feeling at her core.

The bedsheets chafed her skin as she tossed and turned.

After another half hour of lying in bed wide awake, Ana sighed, exasperated. She wasn’t going to fall asleep again. She felt too hot and restless. Plagued by both the dream and thoughts of her husband.

With a resigned push, she shoved off her blanket and swung out of bed. Padding across the bedroom, she quietly opened the door and crept down the hallway toward the one room with a light on.

She stiffened as the cooler air in the hall instantly made her nipples peak beneath her nightgown.

Great. As if her body wasn’t already in turmoil.

She rubbed her arms, warming herself up, as she crept closer.

Near the lit doorway, the sound of rustling papers became audible. Inside, Gio sat with framed glasses on, meticulously reading through a file.

Her chest ached at the picture he made, so serious and studious. His short black curls were tousled from all the times she’d run through them last night. Her fingers itched to do it all over again.

But knowing he had too much work to do, she resisted the urge and turned back.


Low, but imbued with power.

She was helpless to resist, peering around to see Gio waiting expectantly, his glasses now set aside. Even at this early hour, he appeared every inch the Don, seated behind a magnificent oak desk and a high-backed leather chair. The entire wall behind him was filled with books and portraits of the rulers who came before him.

Ana walked in sheepishly, like a child summoned to the principal’s office. But the way she felt was anything but childlike. Awareness thrummed through her as his eyes dropped to her thin, silk nightie.

Ana crossed her arms, covering her breasts.

Gio regarded her knowingly. “Couldn’t sleep?”

The memory of his head between her legs sent a wave of heat through her. She nodded shyly.

“Well, the staff is working quickly to set up your office. The sewing machines should be shipped over by Friday.”