Page 58 of Learning to Run

Chapter 17


Yep, still felt stupid…but at least I wasn’t frustrated anylonger?

“Can I ask about commutes from the next apartment or wouldit be pushy?” The fact that Gareth was being serious was the only thing thatkept me from either rolling my eyes or laughing.

He frowned, nearly turning around in his seat to be able tosee us all as Bates pulled into the parking lot. “How far ahead does he need tostart looking for a new apartment? I feel like that’s a real-world grown-upthing that I should already know the answer to.”

Oh, um…

“I want to say he should already be looking?” I wasn’t sureabout that answer until I saw Bates give a sheepish shrug as he parked the car.“Yep, that look said he’s either already started looking or he’s reallybehind.”

Bates grinned and decided an immediate confession was best.“Both.”

Bates’s answer made Gareth laugh, but he didn’t let it get himoff track. “So explain both, please. Now I don’t know what Cash should beworried about.”

So I was doing the worrying for both of us?

That made a lot of sense, actually.

“Well, I initially got behind with looking because somehowthe first semester just flew by and then once I started thinking about lookingand figuring out my next steps, I met you guys.” Unbuckling, Bates leaned overand gave Gareth a quick kiss and me a wink.

“So plans had to be adjusted.” Nodding, Gareth was stilltaking the whole odd conversation very seriously. “That would’ve put you behindtoo because you had to figure out what you needed to be looking for instead ofwhat you’d thought you needed to be looking for.”

“Exactly.” Bates turned in his seat so he could see both ofus as he leaned against the door. “I was initially picturing a small studio tojust focus on saving up a lot, but that would be miserable for all three of useven if you were just visiting on the weekends.”

Oh, yeah.

I wasn’t sure there was any way to make that work. “I canunderstand wanting to save money, but I think we’d drive you crazy without morespace.”

“I’d drive everyone crazy without more space.”Gareth’s honesty got laughter from me and Bates. “So the new plan…is thatsomething we need to work on together or are you handling it?”

That question was clearly for Bates, but he was trying notto smile as he glanced in the back seat toward me.

“I don’t worry about everything.” Just most things.“But…that would be something I’d like to talk about before final decisions aremade?”

It still felt like my needs were probably pushing on aboundary he should have but Bates didn’t look frustrated.

He also didn’t respond like I thought he should. “I thinkthis is a cuddle on the bed discussion.”


“Why?” Gareth was helpful and voiced that one for both ofus.

Bates was still looking very thoughtful, but he answeredright away. “Because it’s not a simple yes or no for me. There’s more I want tosay.”

So he gave a confusing answer right away.

“Dom lecture.” Gareth nodded. “Got it.”

He’d been looking up way too much stuff online lately…but hewas probably right based on Bates’s grin. “Come on, cuties.”


I wasn’t sure what we were going to get lectured on, but Ihad a feeling it was my fault or just about my being dramatic in general.

Neither of those sounded like fun, but maybe that was whyBates wanted cuddles when he said whatever was on his mind?