Cash finally started to nod and a faint smile peeked out.“Yeah, it’s definitely been unexpected.”
“Did we rush you?” I still wasn’t completely sure what hewas actually worried about, and I was afraid I was missing something important.
“No.” Shaking his head, Cash seemed to realize I needed morewords. “I think I was worried that I wasn’t worried?”
God, only Cash could manage to worry that much.
Being in his head would be exhausting.
“I’m so glad I don’t think about normal stuff as much as youdo.” I was perfectly happy thinking about history and our future and fun stufflike at what point we could plan a vacation together as a family and if a familyvacation meant we had to take everyone.
Bates couldn’t control his laughter any longer but it didn’tlast long. “I’m not sure if I want to ask what keeps your mind occupied or not,my curious boy.”
“Not.” Cash was a very dim light as he frowned and glared atme. “It’s probably dirty or scary.”
“Or both.” Messing him was so much fun.
His eyes got wider, and whatever went through his head wasfun because he turned to Bates for help. “It’s your job to save me from him.”
“I’ve got a lot of jobs when it comes to our relationship. Ithink I should be taking notes.” Bates looked very pleased with himself when hemade Cash roll his eyes. “And one thing I know I need to be taking notes on isour list for the next apartment, but…”
He shook his head when Cash’s worries started to come back.“No overthinking this, my light.”
They were so cute.
“Logically, I will be done with my program in May and youguys have one more year before you graduate with your bachelor’s.” Noddingtoward me, Bates didn’t forget me. “And then Gareth will probably go right intohis master’s.”
Yep, that was still the plan.
“So, that means I will need another place to live.” Heshrugged like there was no way around it. “There is nothing wrong with mepicking out a new apartment based on what we’ll need in the future. If you guysgot scholarships like I’m pretty sure Cash said you did, then you probably haveto live on campus for those.”
Another good point.
And he kept making even more of them before Cash could findsomething else to worry about.
“That means we’ve got more than a year before livingtogether full time is even possible, right?” He waited until we both nodded tocontinue. “That gives us plenty of time to run into problems and sort them out,and to figure out what conversations we’ll need to have.”
“I think we’re doing pretty good already.” But I looked overat Cash just to clarify. “But we’re not living together yet, we’re justvisiting a lot.”
He was a brat and rolled his eyes, but Bates was helpful andnodded.
“Yes, just visiting.” Bates smiled even though Cash wasbeing dramatic and sighed. “This is also our test run to figure out theproblems we’ll run into. Nothing about our current dynamics frustrates meexcept when I have to sleep on my own.”
He gave a very good imitation of Brady pouting, but as Cash andI both laughed, he continued his Dom Bates lecture. “What would frustrate me isfinding an apartment that’s too far from you guys and too small for you to moveinto it later. I have no desire to live somewhere and then move again. Livingin the apartment here by the school made a lot of sense, but once I’m done itwould make me nuts to move that fast again.”
He had another good point.
“Cash likes staying in one place, so he’ll agree with you onthat once he stops worrying.” I was a very good partner and ignored Cash’sglare. “Longer leases also mean you can save money.”
Bates flashed a quick grin but he did a wonderful job ofstaying on track. “Yes, and thank you for the reminder that money discussionsneed to go on the list too. See, lots of conversations before we have apermanent living together situation.”
Even more than the spanking stuff.
I was never going to make it.
But it looked like we might’ve solved enough of Cash’sfrustrations that I’d get food, so I wasn’t going to complain.