“You’re right.” With a smile that was alternating betweensweet and wicked, Bates leaned back against the wall that framed the opening ofthe kitchen. “He knows what they’re for too.”
I did.
He wasn’t wrong.
He was trying to drive me crazy, but he wasn’t wrong.
“We have a plan.” While Bates was looking relaxed andclearly organizing what he wanted to do, Gareth was nearly bouncing, he was soexcited. “The cuffs are so much fun.”
“I might have something even more fun than the cuffs.”Bates’s wicked smile sent a shiver through Gareth. “Come on, pup. Help me getsomething ready for our light.”
Rolling my eyes, I ignored the teasing nickname. “I’m notsure I like the sound of that.”
Well, my head didn’t, but my dick wasn’t terribly smart.
Gareth snickered, kissing my head as he straightened andbounced over to our Dom. “Ready and willing to help with Project Mischief.”
He’d been watching too many government conspiracy movieslately.
Bates thought it was adorable, though, and gave the bouncingnut a quick kiss. “I love how helpful you are.”
They’d both been dancing around that word a lot lately, butno one had said it in the important three-word sentence way, so I pushed it tothe back of my mind. Focusing on their wicked expressions was more important,especially when they turned to me and both tried to look so innocent.
“That’s not believable in the slightest.” Gesturing betweenthem, I frowned because they really needed to try harder if I was supposed toplay along. “I’ll go sit down on the couch.”
I hadn’t checked my emails today anyway, so it was probablya good idea, and it’d keep my mind off whatever ridiculousness Bates wasplanning. Anything that gave him that look was slightly worrying, but I wasn’tgoing to sit there and try to guess what he was going to do.
There were just too many options.
I was going to make myself crazy before they got a chance todo it.
Shaking my head, I grabbed my phone off the counter andwiggled my way past the grinning lunatics. Gareth didn’t seem to care about thespecifics, he was just excited to explore something new and give me the orgasmhe thought I deserved.
I wasn’t going to argue with the logic, because even thoughI didn’t think I was owed anything, an orgasm was always nice.
But the restraints…
Gareth’s giggles getting louder as they headed into the bedroomdidn’t help my curiosity or my nervousness. Had Bates told him or was he stilljust excited? Did he think what Bates had planned was funny? Gareth’s sense ofhumor was questionable sometimes, so it didn’t help my overthinking.
The fact that their plan was taking several minutes to putinto play didn’t help either.
What could they be doing?
Gareth even grunted one time.
What the hell took that much effort?
My brain filled in the answer to that question easily, andin vivid detail, but Gareth would’ve been a lot more rambling if slots and tabswere coming into play. That still left me with way too many options I knew he’dlike.
So would I.
Yeah, we needed to figure out the tabs and slots discussionsooner rather than later because Gareth wasn’t the only one who was ready forit. I just hadn’t put in enough planning, as he clearly had, and I wasn’t surehow the slots and tabs should come together.
Action figures?
Had he already tried using them to figure it out?