Page 47 of Learning to Run

This just kept getting better and better.

“I’m still figuring that out, but I’ll let you know what he likesto play with.” The ball had been fun but there were a lot of options. “It’snew, but I’m kind of wiggly so it works.”

I wasn’t sure what else he needed to know but so far Iseemed to have made Brady happy.

“You are wiggly and very playful.” Brady sighed as hestepped back, finally not sounding stressed. “This makes so much sense. Pupsare a lot of work with all the exercise and attention they need. Of course, youneed two partners.”


“I do need a lot of attention.” That probably explained afew things. “And I liked my quiet time while they went out. Some pups needquiet time too.”


Nodding enthusiastically, Brady gave me a relieved-lookingsmile and nearly skipped back over to Jude and plopped himself in his Daddy’slap. “He’s a puppy, Daddy.”

Since Brady seemed to think that made everything muchclearer, I waved and escaped before Jude could decipher what was going on inBrady’s head. I figured that might take a few seconds at least, and I knew Iwas right when I managed to close the door and Jude was still looking confused.

Thanking the universe that some Doms needed more processingtime than others, I hurried downstairs just in case Jude managed to get hisbrain working faster than I expected.

“Safe.” Locking the door behind me, I slumped against it andsmiled as they laughed. “For future reference, I think we need the buddysystem. I didn’t know what to say.”

“Well, it looks like you survived unscathed.” Bates cameover and pulled me into his arms as Cash took the cookies.

He had his priorities straight.

“I did, but it was a close call.” Curling into his chest, Isighed. “That was confusing. Brady was worried about something, but he stoppedworrying when I explained that I was a pup. Evidently, that made everythingclearer, and I think he knows why I need two boyfriends now?”

That sentence still didn’t make sense, so I shrugged as Ikept poking at it. “We seemed to have decided that I need a lot of attention,so that means he doesn’t have to worry?”

Bates’s chest jerked but he managed not to laugh at Brady’ssilliness. When he got his giggles under control, he took a deep breath. “Well,I’m glad Brady isn’t worried any longer, and you do like having both of ourattention. So we can let him think that’s why you need two boyfriends.”

Nodding against Bates, I thought about that and liked it.“Yeah, it won’t hurt anything.”

If Brady didn’t realize more love made everything better,then I probably wasn’t the person to explain it to him…maybe his mother could?

Chapter 14


“All done. Now it’s dessert and an orgasm.” Gareth nodded,mostly to himself as he tossed the dishtowel on the counter and smiled atBates. “Since we don’t know exactly what he wanted, I think we need to give himboth, just in case.”

He was ridiculous…but generous…so I wasn’t going to arguewith him.

“I agree. It’s only fair.” Bates’s response had Gareth’shead nodding a thousand miles an hour.

“Yes, exactly.” Bouncing across the small kitchen from wherehe’d been doing dishes, Gareth gave me a quick kiss. “Do you have an orgasmpreference?”

He asked me the most insane questions.

“No.” I didn’t think there’d be a wrong way to orgasm, so Iwasn’t going to fight my embarrassment to actually figure out an answer.

Bates was trying not to laugh and doing a terrible job ofhiding his delight, but eventually he managed to nod and get his excitementunder control. “I think we should go back to our original plan of kissing himall over, but what do you think about getting out the cuffs again?”


It didn’t seem like a bad idea, but it felt weird to haveboth of them turn their I’m ready to play looks on me.

“He didn’t safeword.” Gareth’s helpful tidbit as he curledcloser and folded himself over to rest his head on my shoulder had Batesnodding.