“Fucking right,” Rogue growled from where he was now sitting with Scarlett in his lap, in one of the chairs a few short feet away. “No one should be saying anything like that to you. I’ll kill them.”
“Don’t threaten people in public, Uncle Ro-Ro,” Wren tsked. He glared at her, which only made her grin. He hated that nickname, and Code knew they loved to use it to get a rise out of him. He took the bait every damn time.
“It can be nice when the guy knows what he’s doing,” Glitch told the girls with a wicked grin. “But there are very few I would allow to do it.”
“How about we not talk about spanking with teenage girls,” Scarlett suggested with a heavy sigh. “I swear, one of these days I’m going to figure out how to get you two to act like proper young ladies.”
Both girls looked at her and snorted. “We live with a biker, Scarlett, and we spend more time with the club than our own friends. I think that ship has sailed,” Wren pointed out wryly.
“Sailed and sank,” Win corrected. “As in, it’s never going to happen, so you probably should just accept it.”
Code smirked and then looked back at Glitch, who was once again working at whatever was on her screen. He sighed and sat down next to her. “Still annoyed you put yourself in danger, kitten,” he told her quietly.
She glanced over at him. Her expression was one of annoyance, but her eyes held a glimmer of amusement. “I wasn’t about to let Karissa be out here alone, caveman,” she told him drily.
“You could have protected her from inside the clubhouse just as well as here,” he reminded her. “It’s you they’re looking for, not her.”
“No, they’re looking for all of us,” she corrected. “And, while yes I could have, I weighed the risk and decided I was safe enough here. I have what I need to protect myself and anyone else that needs it. Between Karissa and I, not much will get past us.”
He tried not to get annoyed at her logic, acknowledging she was right, but knowing she deliberately put herself in danger still pissed him off. He brushed his lips to her ear and murmured, “Perhaps I need to start tying your ass to the chair when we have to leave. Seems you can’t obey the words ‘no’ and ‘stay’.”
Her head turned and she glared at him, making him smile slowly at her. Her blue eyes were fiery and she looked like she was ready to strangle him. Why the hell was that look so hot? Even now, his cock was twitching behind his zipper. “Try it and see what happens, caveman,” she hissed at him. “The minute I got free, I’d be coming for you, and you’d be feeling the edge of my blade on your neck or your balls, depending on how pissed I was when I got there.”
“Sure you would, kitten,” he taunted, his arm going around the back of her chair as he leaned forward and gave her a quick hard kiss. When he pulled away, she looked slightly dazed, as if she hadn’t expected him to do that, and he only smiled wider. He loved to throw her off her game. “Now, finish up what you’re doing so we can get back to the clubhouse,” he told her abruptly, pulling back even further and getting to his feet.
“I can’t leave if Karissa is staying,” she argued. “Can’t risk her being picked up on the cameras.”
“We’re going to head back,” Karissa announced as she and Razor came over. Razor looked annoyed that she was here too, but he kept his arm around her protectively. “It’ll probably be hours before the babies are here anyway.”
Glitch sighed. “Yeah, I know. Just let me work a little magic that will keep us off the cameras and then we can go.”
She started clicking away, but stopped when they heard footsteps rushing down the hall. They all turned to find Harlow dressed in a medical gown, beaming. “The babies are almost here! Royal was farther along than they thought. It won’t be long now.” Then she raced back down the hall, just as they heard loud cursing coming from that direction.
“Well I guess we’re staying,” Karissa chuckled.
Razor and Code shared a look, neither of them happy with that declaration, but they knew it was futile to argue. Instead they just nodded and settled in with their women. Everyone was quiet for a moment before another loud curse came from down the hall, followed by a guttural oath from Royal. “If you tell me to breathe one more time, I’m going to rip your cock off, Savage. This is all your fault. And you gave me two of them.”
None of them made a sound, then they all looked at each other and burst out laughing. “I wonder if she’d actually do it,” Wren wondered aloud.
“Oh, trust me, when you’re in labor and someone gets on your nerves, you’re capable of anything,” Esme snickered. She looked at Fury and gave him a wicked grin. “So take notes, baby, because Royal might threaten, but I’ll do it. And if I’m too out of it to take action, Karissa will.”
“Me?” Karissa asked in shock. “Why the hell would I be there, bitch?”
Esme gave her an are-you-crazy-look. “You really think, after everything, that you’re not going to be right there with me?” Karissa’s face paled and her eyes went comically wide.
“We’ll be just fine,mi tesoro,” Fury said easily. “You’re strong, and I can take whatever you dish out.”
“You say that now,” Esme snickered. “But we’ll see. We have a few more months before we get to that point anyway.” Fury laid a protective hand on her bump and gave her a soft smile.
Another yell and some more cursing came down the hall. “Damn, if that isn’t the perfect birth control, I don’t know what is,” Win said with a shudder.
Code glanced at Glitch and saw a smirk on her lips. “You don’t seem to be all that bothered by the screaming,” he murmured.
She glanced at him and shrugged. “You get used to a lot of things in my line of work. Screaming and cursing is nothing.” He paused, once again reminded that this woman was far from average.
“I thought you spent more time at your computer than doing field work,” he remarked.
She paused and gave him her full attention. “In recent years, yes,” she said quietly. “But in the beginning, I was right there with them for a lot of our missions. As technology got better, I could stay back more and more, but there were, and still are, times that I go with them.” She gave him an assessing look. “Why? Does that change your opinion of me?” she asked lightly.