Page 85 of Twice the Rivalry

“You don’t have the balls to shoot me,” the stupid Prospect taunted, turning to stare down at her, the muzzle of her gun now pressed against his forehead.

“My God, every one of you are idiots,” Glitch huffed in aggravation. “You have ten seconds to open that gate or you’re going to take a little nap. So make your choice, and quickly, before I make it for you. Got it?”

He made a stupid one, trying to grab the gun, which of course resulted in her punching him in the gut. She followed it up with a swift knee to the balls, making him sink to the ground, cupping himself and wheezing. Glitch rolled her eyes, went to the gate, and pressed the button to open it, waving the two cars through before pressing the button again to have it shut. She zipped through before it did, then climbed back into Scarlett’s car.

Scarlett gave her a sideways glance. “You know Savage is going to be pissed you beat up the Prospects, right?” she asked drily as they drove down the road.

Glitch opened her laptop, logging in quickly and making sure that they weren’t visible on any cameras. Then she grinned and told her, “Don’t worry, they’ll be fine. I’m sure once he realizes that the hospital was the best place for her and those babies, he’ll be on my side. And if not, well, I have my own tricks to make him reconsider his anger.”

The twins in the back both laughed. Glitch looked back at them and winked. They grinned back at her, no traces of shadows in their eyes, and she felt something settle in her soul. It was a good day.



Code enjoyed the caress of the wind across his face as they sped along the open highway. The moment the message came in that Royal was in labor, she became Savage’s only concern. Thankfully, they were already on their way back, and they were only a couple hours out. Still, he could see the tension radiating off Savage’s form even from his spot in the back of the formation. The man wanted to be with his woman when she had those babies, and they would make sure he got there in time.

Their run went off without a hitch, and Glitch kept them abreast of any possible complications from the cops. Her voice in his ear rang through calm and precise, unruffled even when one cop got a little too close. She set them on a new route without any fuss. Even their contact had been damn impressed, because he had been sweating bullets for most of the trip.

Code realized in that moment it was one of the few times that he was actually on a run and not stuck back in the office doing the very thing Glitch had been doing. It also struck him that he was okay with it, and he hadn’t felt resentful or angry that Glitch was involved in their business while he was doing something other than working on a computer.

Which of course made him think back to his actions over the last day and a half. Avoiding Glitch had been a bit tricky, but he managed it. He’d needed time to himself, mostly because his mind was a mess of thoughts and emotions he couldn’t seem to quiet or understand. He noticed Glitch eyeing him curiously, but thankfully she hadn’t pushed him or tried to instigate him. Well, other than her little stunt earlier today, he thought in amusement.

He should have known she was going to do something like that, especially after his threat to spank her ass and put her up on a shelf.

All of that was enough to remind him of the decision he made. Hell, it kept him up for most of the night. That and a lot of self doubt, but he finally decided he needed to talk to Glitch when they got back, and he could get her alone. He had no idea how she would react, but he was ready for anything. He knew her team would be back soon, being close to wrapping up their current mission, and he didn’t want to leave anything to chance.

He was fully aware that Glitch loved her team, and they were her family. They were the ones that would tell him to fuck off, and she would follow right along with them. He could respect it, but that didn’t change the fact that he wanted her for himself. Which shocked him. It was enough to just about give him a heart attack the moment the thought slammed into his head while laying in bed last night.

He kept telling himself that he needed to let her go, that it would never work. That he could live without her. Until the thought of her actually leaving came into his mind, and hit him like a sledgehammer to the gut. Which of course made him want to pinpoint when things changed, but that answer had come pretty quick. Up until the moment he saw her sitting in the gym all alone after working with the twins, he hadn’t realized how much she started to matter to him.

The thought of her sitting there, alone and uncertain she did the right thing by the twins, had gutted him. He wondered if she felt that way when she was with her team. Sure, he knew they were all close, but there was a difference between a familial closeness and one that was focused solely on her. It hit him that he had been seeing different sides of her, and he liked them all, even when they pissed him the hell off. He wouldn’t change one part of her.

Now, he had to convince her to stay, or at least give him a shot. He even considered leaving the club to be with her, just to see where things would go. It would hurt, but something told him it would be worth the effort. He could help her club, and he loved that kind of work anyway. Still, it was no small thing to think about leaving the Dragons. They were his family too, and riding with them, like they were now, felt right. Felt like home.

He had to figure out what the hell he wanted, all while trying to convince Glitch to give them a chance. It was a total mind-fuck. Who the hell would have thought he would find himself pining for the woman that, only weeks ago, he practically despised?

Still, even now, he was anxious to get back to her. It wasn’t just the sex. He liked talking to her, liked bouncing ideas off her. Hell, he even liked it when he pissed her off and she threatened him. He had half a mind to ask Razor if this was normal, since Karissa often threatened him just the same. Though she was probably less stabby about it. Glitch did love her knife, and loved to remind him that she knew how to use it.

“Fucking hell,” Savage’s voice came growling angrily through the comms that they all still had in. “Just got a message from Tom. Karissa knocked him out, Glitch took down the Prospect at the gate, and Sam was left behind. The girls are taking Royal to the hospital. Her contractions were getting closer together and the Prospects were insisting on waiting for us.”

“Wait, they’re all at the hospital?” Code asked, quickly clueing in to what that all meant.

“Sounds like it,” Savage said grimly. “Let’s move it, brothers. We need to get to the hospital. Men with Old Ladies ride with me, everyone else, head to the clubhouse to make sure it’s secure.”

Code’s lips thinned angrily. Damn stubborn woman, he thought angrily. She put herself in danger. She should have stayed at the damn compound. He was definitely going to be punishing her later when he got her alone.

It took them another hour to get to the hospital, and he, Rogue, Fury, Steel and Razor followed Savage inside the hospital. They didn’t stop until they got up to the labor and delivery ward, getting all kinds of side-eye along the way. It dawned on him he hadn’t argued that Glitch wasn’t his Old Lady. Yep, he was fucked.

He wasn’t sure they would get to that point, but the idea didn’t scare him.

As soon as they cleared the elevator and hit the waiting room, Harlow handed her son to his father and then hurried Savage down to hall, while the rest of them moved to their respective women. He made his way over to where Glitch was sitting, laptop open and typing away furiously, a small furrowing between her brows. “You’re supposed to be at the clubhouse, kitten,” he growled, hands on his hips as he stood in front of her.

She glanced up at him. “Babies being born kind of trump that,” she said simply. “ Karissa had to drive, and someone needed to keep us off the cameras. So far so good. You’re welcome.”

He narrowed his eyes, and then shook his head. “You really are asking for a spanking, kitten.”

“Is that all you guys ever think about?” Win demanded in disgust from beside him. He glanced over at her in surprise. She arched a brow at him, Wren slightly behind her with the exact same expression on her face. “I can’t tell you how many times I hear you all use that phrase. It’s kind of losing its power. I’d probably just throat punch a guy if he said that to me.”