“Well, to be fair, white isn’t my usual.”

“Too true.” Amelia leaned her head back with a sigh. “I don’t know the last time I saw you drink white wine, actually.”

There was a memory from the depths of their friendship. “Remember Jamal’s barbecue, about five years ago?”

Amelia’s eyes shot open and she started to laugh. “Oh fuck, that’s right! And Jack started passing around that pitcher of white sangria.”

“We got so drunk. And I swore to never, ever again drink white wine of any kind.” Hadley raised her glass and peered at the shimmering golden liquid. “And here we are.”

Amelia let out a snort. “I’m a bad influence, apparently.”

“It was my choice to grab this wine.”


From her spot in the tub - her very vulnerable spot - Amelia gave her a look that sent a pleasant shiver down Hadley’s spine. She had to be imagining it, the hopeful fever dream of the long unrequited. But she swore that look scraped over her with a purpose, one that rattled her bones. She had to push it aside, ignore it. Sink deeper into the chair, sip her wine, then start reading the book.

Hadley held the book up so Amelia could see the cover. “Any objections?”

But Amelia’s eyes were closed, the glass of wine half empty but set aside. She flicked a hand in Hadley’s direction. Water drops flew in an arc. “I trust your judgment.”

If Hadley kept drinking wine at a similar pace, things would start to get interesting around page five. Forcing herself to put the wine glass down, she cracked open the book and saw a few names scribbled on the inside cover. Remnants of the other people, the other hands, that had touched the book, while the worn edges proved it had been read. Hopefully they'd enjoyed it.

She took a deep breath and started to read to Amelia. It was one of those meet-cute books, full of fluff and good feelings, and it made for easy narrating. Settling into the story was like wrapping up in a blanket and Hadley found herself enjoying the domesticity of both the book and the moment she and Amelia were caught in. It had been a long time since she’d read out loud to her friend, but it was a strange kind of muscle memory that sprang to life, making the pages fly by.

Only when Amelia stirred with a wince did Hadley stop. “Ames?”

“My shoulder. Where I hit it on the ground.” She shifted again, the water sloshing. “I’ll be a gorgeous shade of blue and green tomorrow, I’m guessing.”

Hadley was on her feet immediately. “Do you have any balm or anything we can put on it?”

Amelia looked away. “No. I ran out and forgot to buy more.”

“Ames.” Hadley went over to the tub and kneeled down so they were eye to eye. Once Amelia turned back to her. “I can run out and get something. What do you need?”

“It’s late, the pharmacy will be closed.”

“Then I’ll find a twenty-four hour one.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not and you know it. And I know it.” And I love you and I want to help you so quit being so goddamn stubborn.

Amelia shook her head. A loose spiral of red hair fell out of her bun and stuck to her neck. Hadley averted her eyes as if it were something far more scandalous. “Really. The bath is actually helping instead of making me bored and forcing me out before the heat has a chance to work.”

Well, shit. Hadley had to laugh at that. “You get bored in the bath?” She was just happy for the distraction. “It’s…it’s a chance to be still and quiet and just be.”

“Exactly.” Now Amelia was the one looking away, down at pruney hands she pulled up from the water. “Too much time to think.”

“Oh.” She stared hard at her friend, worry now a slowly growing ball of lead in her belly. “Hey. What’s going on?”

Amelia shrugged, then winced, hissing as her shoulder pulled. Hadley immediately reached out, then checked herself. If Amelia needed her help, she’d ask. She’d learned that a long time ago and tried very hard not to stomp on those boundaries. “It’s been stressful,” Amelia admitted. “No surprise, I’m sure. But it’s been…”

A long pause hung between. Then slowly, carefully, Hadley put her hand on Amelia’s smooth forearm. She squeezed it gently and Amelia’s shoulders instantly pulled away from her ears. “Do you want me to rub your arms or your hands?”

Please don’t pull away. Please don’t pull away.

“My shoulders, maybe?”