He laughed then narrowed his eyes as I backed away. “Look. Madisen had been difficult since I hired her. Between you and me, I’m glad you stood up for yourself. However, if you do something like that again, then we’ll have issues. This is about an opportunity that I’m not going to prevent you from partaking in if that’s what you want to do. A lot of money is involved. Grant just wants to ensure you’re okay with it.”
Parker had been a nice guy from the day I was hired, taking a chance on me when I had zero experience in a club whatsoever. “Now, you have me intrigued.”
“Then come with me.”
There was nothing I could do except try to keep my mask on. With any luck, the powerful man was far too busy to pay any attention.
I waited as he walked out the door then quickly grabbed my mask, following Parker toward the other side of Blackout and to the door leading to the corporate offices. There was a special code to get into the corridor leading to the elevators and second set of stairs, as well as to Carnal Sins.
When his phone rang, he immediately took it and I scanned the hallway. Then I wandered further down the hall, finding one of the doors left open. I hesitated before I peered inside, my curiosity instantly piqued.
The room was empty, yet the alluring lights drew me inside. It was decorated as I’d imagined, the gothic theme screaming of domination. From the red textured walls, black sconces on all four walls, and the plush animal skin rug underneath a massive marble to the crystal coffee table centered between three couches, the lush interior screamed of opulence.
There was a calming feeling about the area, which surprised me. I glanced over my shoulder and couldn’t resist heading toward the massive X cross located in a focal point in the room. There were also two odd-looking benches and two steel tables, along with a thick metal pole with chains hanging down. I envisioned girls hanging from the beam, their feet dangling above the floor.
I drifted even closer, more fascinated than I thought I’d be. When I ran my fingers across the smooth wood of the cross, a strange series of vibrations drifted through my system. Then I moved to one of the benches, laughing nervously when I realized it was meant to be used for punishment. Or at least I thought given my limited understanding. The wooden piece allowed for the submissive to be bent over, their arms and ankles shackled by thick leather straps, legs spread wide open. It was the perfect position for the dominating power to be able to use an implement of discipline effectively.
I jumped at the fake cracking sound in my ears. Wow. I never imagined being inside a room like this could have such an effect on me. There was so much for me to learn. The question was did I really want to be educated in the art form?
I thought about what Grant had told me at the bar. The thought of being trained in the art was… captivating. When I heard a slight whimper pushing past my lips, I laughed nervously again. I was certain Parker wondered where in the hell I’d gone. As I backed away, I felt a presence behind me. I didn’t need to turn around to know it wasn’t Parker, the aftershave entirely different.
My luck sucked. There was no other way of putting it.
He said nothing for a few seconds, and I didn’t turn around, waiting to see what he’d do. When I heard footsteps, I bit my lower lip, the nerves unsettling. He shifted in front of me, running the rough pads of his fingers across the top of the bench I’d been gawking at. I felt like some ingénue standing in front of a masterful dom who’d had twenty years of practice, likely spending time with dozens of women who catered to his sadistic needs without reservation.
He seemed even larger than life tonight, his exotic cologne forcing me to grind my teeth. Not revealing my identity when I wanted to drop to my knees, crawling to him like I’d seen in movies, purring as I rubbed my face against his trousers, looking up at him with reverence in my eyes.
It was crazy, not something I should honestly consider, yet the thought at this moment ignited the embers all over again. A quick flash memory of the juicy, brutal fucking inside the sweltering pub bathroom forced my pussy to clamp and release. Oh, I had it bad for this man.
“I purchased this piece from a vendor in New York. I spent a pretty penny for it too. It’s carved especially with the thought of a woman’s voluptuous body in mind. I consider it a prized possession. Come here.”
I found myself obeying him without hesitation.
“Give me your hand,” he directed.
It was shaking when I did. As soon as he wrapped his hand around mine, I took a scattered breath. Then he placed my fingers on the bench, taking a few seconds to brush the tips back and forth.
“There is nothing to fear, Star. These are just instruments used by people who enjoy the pleasure of either submitting or commanding. It’s mutual and agreed upon. There is a difference in forcing someone into a situation they neither want nor understand. Can you tell the difference?”
The man was so easy to be around, nurturing in the way he talked about his world. He was right in that I had no true understanding of what was involved.
“Yes, I think I do.”
“Good girl.” As he released his hold, I backed away, hating how nervous I remained.
He didn’t turn in my direction, merely walked toward the cross, shoving his hands into his pockets as he peered up at the glistening steel. “This one was recommended to me by a man I considered a mentor. He taught me more about the art of BDSM than I had any clue I needed to know. While this is likely the apparatus most recognized, it is often misunderstood, people thinking it is only used for methods of punishment. Imagine being strapped to the cross, while every one of your senses are stimulated in different ways.”
“I’m not sure I can,” I half whispered, doing my best to disguise my voice. The accent I’d selected after being hired was firmly in place, but I was no voiceover artist. I was certain if anyone listened carefully, they’d figure it out. That’s why I’d try not to say more than a few words.
“That takes time.”
“Okay.” What else was I supposed to say?
“I understand you’re interested in working in Carnal Sins.”
“Yes. One day.”