Page 50 of Compelled Obedience

I shifted to the mirror, nodding in approval. It was a wicked look, showing off enough skin I should be able to fulfill at least a few lustful fantasies.

“Did you know she has a retard for a brother?”

Instantly, my blood turned to ice. I took a deep breath as stars floated in front of my eyes, my rage increasing. I honestly didn’t care what crap was spewed about me. I’d faced that my entire life. Name calling and discrimination were a way of life given how I’d grown up, my mother a junkie, my birth father killed while committing a crime. Then my stepfather, who’d been one ‘step’ above a cockroach.

But no one talked about my baby brother. No one.

I reacted without thinking, turning around and giving the three pseudo women a hateful glare.

“What’s wrong, bitch? Cat got your tongue?”

“Let it go, Madisen. That’s not cool,” one of the brunettes said.

“Listen to your friend, Madisen. I’m going to suggest you shut your mouth. You don’t know anything about me or my situation. So, this will be your single warning.” I held up my index finger, smiling as I locked eyes with each girl. At least the two brunettes had the decency to appear scared. Or at least aware that the insult was in bad taste.

The blonde girl was their illustrious leader, all three mean girls on steroids. I chuckled under my breath, almost able to walk away. Then the blonde egged it on.

“Oh, I’m scared of a trashy girl like you. You’re probably as dim-witted as your brother is. Poor baby.”

That was it. There was no turning back.

I lunged toward her with such momentum, when I landed a brutal punch against her jaw, she was driven into the lockers, metal rattling against metal.

One of the other girls screamed and it fueled the fire. I threw another punch, blondie’s lip splitting open.

As luck would have it, the door opened and Parker walked inside.

“What in God’s name is going on?” he demanded.

I backed away of my own accord, glaring at the girl and angry with myself for losing my cool. Great. I was supposed to be the mature one.

“She just came after me!” Madisen whined.

“That’s not true, Madisen,” the third girl said. “She was saying nasty things about Kerri and her brother, Parker.”

“Jesus Christ,” Parker huffed. “The three of you. Get out onto the floor. Now. I did have a surprise to offer you, but I’m going to need to think about whether or not the three of you deserve it.”

Madisen held her face. “I can’t go on like this.”

“You will if you want to get paid. Now, go.” He paced the floor, waiting until the three girls had grabbed their masks and left. Then he turned to face me, giving me a stern look. “What happened?”

“I lost my cool, which was ridiculous.”

“I’m sickened that they made fun of your brother. I didn’t even know you had a brother but that doesn’t mean I can condone physical violence.”

“I’m sorry, Parker. I’ve had a few issues lately and they just caught me off guard.”

He studied my eyes, then shifted his gaze to the gash I’d tried so hard to cover up with makeup. “What happened? Did the girls do that?”

“No. I was mugged near my apartment.”

“Ah, Jesus. Come with me.”

“Where? Please don’t take me off the roster. I need the cash. I’m not going to lie to you.”

“I have a feeling you’ve had a rough time of it. I’m not going to stop you from performing tonight. But you need to have a discussion with Grant. Maybe we can catch him before he leaves for the night.”

“Whoa. I’m sorry. I allowed my anger to get the best of me.”