Page 99 of Stolen Omega

The empty house is a start. They had to stop there or close to it to let Castle out.

I’m not sure where they could have stashed the van, but even if it’s not the right spot, the area has a high crime rate which probably means there are other abandoned places we can check out.

I check listings for that area, and I find a few but they’re all currently lived in as far as I can tell.

A few more searches later, I find another article about houses in Silver Grove that have been abandoned. It’s a couple years old, but it gives a list of addresses.

I look up and see Archer walking back toward the car, and I sit up straighter, ready to pass him the phone and start the engine. He gets into the passenger seat and slams the door shut.

“That fucking bitch!” he snaps, cracking his knuckles.

“Feel better, or do you want to go somewhere that you can punch something?”

It takes him a second to release a growly breath before he seems to calm down enough to talk without cursing.

“The cops have nothing. Well, next to nothing. The money came from a transfer made on an online poker site. Castle’s name was on the account. They know that information was changed right before the transfer was made, but they can’t get the original account holder’s information.”

“So, we’re looking for an Alpha who’s a gambler.”

“Might as well be looking for a doctor who plays golf.”

“I have something,” I tell him. “It might be nothing, but it could be a start.”

I hand him the phone. He frowns as he looks at the page I’ve left open.

“Abandoned houses in Silver Grove?”

“They were headed to Silver Grove when we lost them. They probably dropped Castle off near his house, and there was that spooky ass empty house across the street. I’m thinking, if there’s been no sign of the van, then maybe it’s somewhere in the grove. They could even be hiding out there. Seems like a lot of properties have been abandoned out there in recent years.”

“It’s an idea,” he starts, nodding slowly. “And I might have a better way to carry out the search.”

“A better way … What are you talking about?”

“Switch seats with me. I need to drive.”

He steps out of the car, and I do the same.

We cross in front of the car, and he starts the engine as I’m closing my door.

“So, what’s this better way?”

“You’re not going to like it,” he tells me, giving me a wry smile as he turns the car around and gets us back on the road to Silver Grove.

“We could use a great idea right about now. I’m open to anything.”

“Who do I know who lives in Silver Grove?” he asks.

“When did you turn into The Riddler?” I complain, as I try to remember who he knows out there.

The problem is, Archer knows so many people that I have no idea who it could be.

He has friends in virtually every town or city we’ve ever passed through, and he’s always making more of them. Remembering where those friends live is impossible. I don’t even remember what Seth looks like or where he lives, and I know I’ve met him more than once.

“Harris, who has a …” he starts, giving me a hint that makes my stomach churn.

“Helicopter,” I finish his little rhyming memory game for him, already getting motion sickness at the thought of his plan.

“You’ve got to admit, it makes a lot more sense than driving around.”