“Can I have my daughter back?” Conner asked.
“No.” I shot him a look. “I love the whole design, Sam.”
“Good. Stefan and I will put everything in motion. I need to get to the office.” He kissed my cheek and then Isabella’s head.
“What?” I glared at Conner.
“I want my baby back.”
“Listen. Charlotte told me that since she’s been born, you will not put her down. You have to let other people enjoy her, Conner. What are you going to do when you go back to work next week?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He looked away.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I walked over and handed him his daughter.
“You’re such a wonderful father.” I kissed his cheek.
“I know I am.” He grinned. “Come on, my little princess. Let’s go home and play.”
It was my day off, so I made another cup of coffee and took it out on the patio. As I was sitting there listening to the waves crash against the shore and the sounds of seagulls waking up, Ella walked over.
“Hi, Aunt Charleigh.” She sat in the lounger next to me.
“Hi, Ella.” I smiled. “No school today?”
“No. It’s winter break.”
“Ah. I used to love winter break.” I grinned.
“I’m sorry about the hotel fire ruining your wedding plans.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. I’m just happy no one was hurt in that fire.”
“Me too. I think your beach wedding will be better, though. I was at Uncle Conner’s last night when everyone was talking about it. It’s going to be perfect.” She grinned.
“It will be, won’t it? Since we both have the day off, how would you like to spend it together?”
“I’d love that.” A wide smile crossed her face.
While Ella and I were out running errands, my phone rang.
“Hello, handsome.”
“Hello, beautiful. What are you doing?”
“Ella and I are out running errands.”
“Calvin just called, and the invitations are ready to be picked up.”
“Yeah. After I told him what happened, he said he’d move our order up to the top. Any chance you can run by the shop and grab them?”
“Of course. We’ll head there now.”
“Thanks, babe. I have to go. I love you, and I’ll talk to you later.”
“I love you too, Christian.”