“I’ve missed you,” I whisper hoarsely as my fingers slip in and out of her warm wetness.
Marnie moans. “I practically had an orgasm when you punched your father. And then again when you pulled out the ring.”
I trail kisses from her breasts over her belly and then lap and worship at the altar of her pussy till she’s gripping the duvet underneath her and coming against my mouth.
“Fuck me, Max,” she whispers. “I’m aching for you.”
She doesn’t need to ask me twice.
I roll her onto her side, lie flush behind her, and enter her slowly. As I fuck my woman, I’ve got one hand cupping her breast and the other rubbing her clit. As we move together, I kiss her neck and whisper into her ear about how good she feels, how I can’t live without her—that I love her with all my heart and soul and everything I am—and, soon, we’re both barreling toward ecstasy. I’ve never felt so certain about anything in my life. Now that I’m here, I can’t believe I ever hesitated. Marnie’s the home I’ve been aching for my whole life—the serenity and rightness I’ve always yearned for, without even realizing it. I feel whole now. Complete. Like my soul has met its match and my life has found its purpose.
Marnie’s intimate muscles ripple around my cock with her orgasm. And a moment later, I’m hurtled into a kind of bliss I’ve never experienced before. It’s physical pleasure mixed with spiritual serenity—and it’s a fucking amazing combination.
“I love you,” I choke out as I release forcefully inside her. “Oh my god, Marnie. I love you so much.”
Marnie turns to face me. “I love you, too.”
We kiss passionately for several minutes. When we break apart, we lie nose to nose, smiling broadly. All of a sudden, I’m zapped with a new realization. A new yearning. My guard is completely down now. My defenses decimated. And in this new state of being, I’m suddenly aware of a deep-seated desire exploding inside me.
“Max, I need to tell you something,” Marnie says, just as I’m blurting, “Let’s make a baby.”
Marnie stares at me. “What did you say?”
“I said, ‘Let’s make a baby.’” When it’s clear I’ve rendered her speechless, I forge ahead. “You said at camp you want another baby, if you can have one, and I haven’t been able to get that comment out of my head. I want a baby, too, Marnie. With you. So, why wait?” When Marnie still says nothing, I add, “Babe, I swear I’m ready. As a matter of fact, I wish you weren’t on the pill, so we could have made a baby just now.”
I’m expecting Marnie to react with enthusiasm, but she looks like a deer in headlights.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, my stomach tightening.
“Are you sure about that?” Marnie says slowly.
“I am. Let’s do it. Statistically speaking, we don’t have much time. So, come on, let’s—"
“My period is three days late, Max. And that never happens to me.”
My brain scrambles. My heart stops. “Are you telling me . . . you’re pregnant?”
“I might be. I have to take a test to be sure.”
“Holy shit. Take one now.”
Marnie laughs. “I don’t have one in the house.”
I sit up. “Let’s go get one.”
She giggles. “Lie back down, honey. We’ll get one in the morning.”
“I don’t think I can wait that long.”
“You’re not freaking out?”
“Not at all. Like I said, I’m ready.”
“You weren’t ready a mere week and a half ago.”
“Well, I’m ready now, baby! I mean, other than the fact that I’m currently unemployed. That’s some unfortunate timing, but we’ll figure it out.”
“What happened with that? Why’d you quit?”
I tell her the whole story without leaving a single detail out, and Marnie is one hundred percent supportive of my decision.
“I need to call Wayne Walters tomorrow and tell him everything,” I say. “Not only because it’s distinctly possible Scott will call him tomorrow and tell him everything to sabotage me, but also because I’ve been feeling guilty about the way we lied to him and his wife. They didn’t deserve that. The ends didn’t justify the means.”
“I’m so glad you feel that way,” Marnie says on an exhale. “I’ve been feeling sick to my stomach about the lies we told them. They’re such nice people. I feel terrible about lying to them.”
“I’m sure Mr. Walters will tell me to go to hell, once he finds out the truth,” I say. “Either way, when he finds out I quit the firm, he’ll revoke my offer, regardless. As he should. I wouldn’t want to work for him based on deception, anyway. If I couldn’t get onto his team honestly, then I don’t deserve to be there at all.”
Marnie hugs me. “Hopefully, he’ll forgive you and ask you to join his team.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“If not, you’re a brilliant lawyer. I’m sure there are a thousand ways you can make a good living.”