“There are. Don’t worry about that. We’ll be fine.”
“Of course, we will. We’re a family now. We’re in this crazy thing called life together.” She smiles. “If it makes you feel any better, my father told me tonight he’s moving in with your mother, for good, and giving me this house. That means we can live here, and you can sell your place or rent it out while you figure out your next career move. That takes the pressure off, right?”
“It does. I think I’ll sell my place and invest a whole lot of money in our little start-up.”
Marnie gasps. “You really think my little doodles could lead to us having an actual, profitable business?”
“I’m sure of it. In fact, my buddy is so gung-ho about your ideas, he suggested we develop another three of them, out of the gate.” I smile. “And now, we’ve got the funds to do it.”
“Oh my gosh. My father unwittingly has impeccable timing.”
I nod. “My mom didn’t tell me about your dad moving in with her. That’s big news.”
“They just decided today. Dad said they’re both sure they want to be together forever, no matter what. He said they can’t stand being apart, even for a night.”
“Aw, they’re so cute.”
“He said they’ll be more comfortable living in Gigi’s place, rather than the house my dad shared with my mother. So, this place is mine now.” She smiles. “Ours.”
I sigh with relief and hug her again. “I love you more than I knew was possible. And Ripley, too.” I touch Marnie’s belly. “And you, too, my little baby-to-be, if you’re in there.”
Marnie beams a beautiful smile at me. “I hope I’m pregnant. I’d love to have a baby that looks just like you.”
“Hey, don’t wish that on the poor kid, when they’ve got a face like yours they could inherit.”
We kiss and kiss, overwhelmed with joy and relief and love.
When we manage to release each other’s lips, we cuddle and revel in our happiness.
Marnie says, “Ripley’s going to be so happy when we tell her in the morning.”
I inhale sharply. “Let’s tell her now.”
Marnie giggles. “She’s fast asleep.”
“She’ll fall right back asleep. She’s a kid. Come on, baby. I can’t wait till morning.”
Marnie pauses, her blue eyes sparkling as she looks down at my face. But finally, she laughs and says, “Okay, let’s do it.”
With a whoop, I leap out of bed and throw on my clothes while Marnie throws on some pajamas from her drawer. When we’re both dressed, we creep down the hallway and into Ripley’s dark bedroom, where her cherubic, sleeping face is softly illuminated by her Moana nightlight.
Marnie takes a seat on the edge of the tiny bed, closest to Ripley’s face, while I sit near Ripley’s feet.
“Ripley,” Marnie whispers. “Honey, wake up.”
After a few more tries, Ripley’s eyes finally flutter open. She looks from her mother’s face to mine. “Am I dreaming?”
“No, you’re awake,” I whisper. “I couldn’t wait till morning to ask you something, sweetie pie. Something super important.” I pause for dramatic effect. “Can I be your daddy—please?”
Ripley gasps. “When?”
“Starting now. We’ll have a wedding and a party later with friends and family, but if you say yes now, then I’ll start being your daddy right this very second, and I’ll keep being your daddy forever and ever.”
Ripley bursts into tears. She sits up and throws up her little arms. “Dat’s all I ever wanted my whole entire life!”
Marnie stands to make way for me, and I scoop Ripley into my arms and hug her to me. “I love you so much, cutie pie,” I coo softly.
“I love you, too, Maxy. Daddy.”
My heart explodes as the sacred, magical word leaves Ripley’s mouth. Marnie joins our hug, making this a three-way family hug, at which point I choke out, “I promise to be the best husband and daddy, ever. I love you both so much, with all my heart, and I promise I always will.”
“Do you, Maximillian, take Marnie to be your partner in life, your beloved wife, for better or worse, through good times and bad, through sickness and health, and all the ups and downs life has to offer and everything in between?”
Max squeezes my two hands as he continues looking deeply into my eyes. “I do, with all my heart.” He smiles and adds something we agreed he’d say at this special moment: “I also take Ripley to be my beloved daughter, for better or worse, through good times and bad, through sickness and health, and all the ups and downs life has to offer and everything in between.”
After Ripley tossed her flower petals down the aisle earlier, she took a seat in the front row with Grampy and Gigi. And since we didn’t tell her Max was going to make that promise to her in front of the world, she lets out a little gasp and squeal that make our entire audience giggle. Some of them, through tears of joy.