Chapter Two
When a knock sounded on his bedroom door the following morning, Andrew expected to find Sonny. The guy had been so nice last night, joking with Andrew and taking the list of food from him. Sonny had a great sense of humor, and if Andrew hadn’t been so intrigued with Eleazar, he might have flirted with the guy. Sonny had brunet hair that fell in soft waves to his shoulders and was downright gorgeous in Andrew’s opinion.
He also had very androgynous features, like you couldn’t tell if he was a guy or girl if you just had a quick glance. Andrew had asked Sonny if he identified as male or female, because he hadn’t wanted to offend him, and Sonny had just laughed and said he was every bit a guy, but thanked Andrew for asking instead of assuming.
Maybe it was Shayde or even Eleazar knocking, but when Andrew answered, he found a stranger standing there.
Eleazar had warned Andrew to stay in his room because of the men in the house, but he hadn’t given Andrew instructions on what to do if one of those men came to him. “Can I help you?”
The guy remained motionless, his stare creepy as fuck. Then he smiled, which didn’t stop Andrew from wanting to slam the door in his face.
“I just wanted to meet Eleazar’s new servant. You’re cuter than his last one.”
Servant? What was this guy smoking. “Personal assistant, not servant.”
“Whatever label makes you sleep better at night.” He smirked. “I’m Maximus.” He raked his eyes over Andrew, making Andrew feel like he should cover up, though he was fully dressed. He’d gotten up bright and early and had showered in the most elegant bathroom. “If you ever need company, come and find me. I’m sure we could play well together.”
Great. Sexual harassment his first day on the job. Andrew made a mental note to tell Shayde. It was one thing to have to stay in his room, another for one of the guys living there to hit on him. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Andrew tried to close the door, but Maximus’s hand shot out, stopping him. “Don’t blow me off.”
Maximus’s smile had faded, and Andrew could have sworn he saw sharp teeth poking from under the guy’s top lip. It must have been the lighting because Andrew hadn’t seen them when Maximus had introduced himself.
“I’m here to work for Eleazar,” Andrew said, sounding braver than he felt. “I have no interest in hooking up with anyone.”
Maximus took a step forward, like he was going to barge into Andrew’s room, but Sonny showed up, food tray in hand, looking between them.
Maximus smiled and took a step back. “I look forward to getting to know you, Andrew.”
“Can’t say the same,” Andrew bit out.
The guy curled his lip—no fang showing—and turned on his heel, walking away. Andrew blew out a breath and wondered if this was what he was going to have to deal with. No wonder Eleazar had offered an obscene amount of money. Did he know his men would be this…aggressive?
Of course he did. He’d warned Andrew about roaming around the house.
“Never answer your door,” Sonny said as he entered.
Andrew quickly closed the door behind him. “Eleazar said not to roam. I didn’t. I didn’t know I shouldn’t answer my door too. What if it was you? How do I know who’s there?”
Sonny set the tray on the table by the window. The delicious aroma wafted toward Andrew, making his stomach rumble. When Sonny lifted the lid, eggs, toast, grapes, and sausage were revealed.
“I’ll announce myself when I knock.” Sonny set the lid aside and turned to him. “I’m sure Mr. Bancroft warned you about the residents.”
“What exactly is going on here?” Andrew folded his arms over his chest. “Why would I have to stay in my room? What did Eleazar mean when he said I might be mistaken for a snack?”
Sonny pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over. “These are your tasks for today. Mr. Bancroft gave them to me before he retired to bed.”
Right, because Eleazar was allergic to the sun. “Are you going to tell me about the men that live here?”
“Your food is getting cold.” Sonny gave him a warm smile but still didn’t answer any of Andrew’s questions, and Andrew had a feeling the guy wouldn’t. “I’ll make your bed while you’re gone. Is there anything particular you want for lunch?”
“No, I’ll grab a bite to eat while I’m out.”
“Whatever you decide to cook is fine.” Andrew looked the paper over, but he was still freaked out about Maximus. He hoped like hell he didn’t run into the guy again because no job was worth unwanted advances, especially when Maximus had been so aggressive.
Sonny walked over to the far wall, pressed his hand into it, and to Andrew’s astonishment, a section popped open. “This is how you will get to the garage. Remember where you exit because that’s the way you’ll get back inside. Do not wander the house, Mr. Wendell.”