Page 6 of Eleazar

“Call me Andrew.” Something fishy was going on, and Andrew intended to find out what.

“Lock the door behind me,” Sonny said. “If the person doesn’t announce who they are when they knock, don’t open it.”

“Yeah, I got that already.” Then Andrew realized how rude he sounded and tried to soften his voice. “Thanks for the breakfast. It smells and looks wonderful.”

Sonny beamed. “Thanks, Andrew.”

After he ate, Andrew used the secret passage to get to the garage. He looked around at the all the shiny and expensive cars, wondering which one he was supposed to use. When he spotted a pegboard with a bunch of keys dangling from it, he walked over and found one set with a tag on it, his name scribbled across it.

Well, that answered his question. Andrew hit the fob, and his jaw dropped when a goddamn Bugatti Chiron chirped. No freaking way! It was dark blue with black-and-chrome trim, sleek, and Andrew drooled at driving it.

He was also terrified of putting a single scratch on the car. He wasn’t sure how much one of those babies cost, and he wasn’t willing to find out if he put a dent in it. He slipped inside, loving the feel of the buttery-leather seats, and nearly wept at how magnificent it was.

Then he realized it was a manual car. Fuck. Andrew didn’t know how to drive a stick. He got out and started toward the door that would lead him inside the house then stopped. He wasn’t supposed to wander the halls.

So instead, he went to the pegboard and used the fobs to find one with automatic driving. A Rolls Royce Ghost. Andrew slipped into the driver’s seat and was amazed at all the buttons and features. He also noticed that the interior was mostly white, with orange accents that made the inside look badass.

It was a push start, and he started the engine, looking around for the garage door opener that usually hung from visors.

It took him a good minute, but he discovered the garage door opener was actually one of the many buttons. How sweet.

Then he noticed his own car parked at the far end. Why wouldn’t Eleazar have him drive his own car? Andrew wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to drive a luxury one. He’d never driven a fancy car in his life.

As carefully as he could, Andrew pulled out of the garage and headed down the winding driveway. He had a list of things he had to do, but he couldn’t resist stopping at his favorite coffee shop, Hayley’s Heaven.

He needed a good cup of coffee to keep him going since he hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. He’d tossed and turned, trying to get used to sleeping somewhere that wasn’t his own bed. As nice as his new room was, it had still felt like a gilded prison since he was stuck in there, not allowed to explore the rest of the house.

After he got his coffee and a croissant, Andrew walked out and stopped at the car. Would it be wise to bring coffee into such a white interior? What if he spilled it? What if he got crumbs everywhere?

Turning on his heel, Andrew headed back inside and took a seat.

Not two minutes later a stranger slipped into the high-back chair across from him. Andrew looked around then focused his gaze on his unwanted table partner. “Can I help you?”

“Wanted to meet Eleazar’s new servant,” the guy said.

Andrew frowned. “What’re you talking about?”

How in the hell had this stranger found out, and who in the hell was he?

“Word spreads fast,” the guy said then stuck out his hand. “Name’s Felix.”

Felix looked around, his gaze landing on a very handsome, lethal-looking guy before he turned back to Andrew. “We need to talk in private.”

“No offense, Felix, but I don’t know you,” Andrew said. Was this guy insane? Andrew wasn’t going anywhere with him.

Felix leaned in closer. “I’m the guy you’re replacing. I’m Eleazar old servant, and there are some things you need to know.”

Andrew hesitated. He wanted answers, answers Sonny had refused to give him. “We can talk outside, but I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Fair enough.” Felix got up and walked out.

“Here’s to hoping I’m not being an idiot,” Andrew said. He got up, tossed the rest of his croissant, and followed Felix outside.

“Ah, you chose the Rolls.” Felix smirked. “I always loved driving that car, though keeping the interior clean was a bitch.”

Andrew looked at his cup of coffee then tossed it into the nearest trash can. “What do you want to talk to me about?”

Felix eyed him, but Andrew had noticed that Mr. Badass had come outside, too. Though the tough guy had given them space, he still eyed Felix, and from the look of love in his eyes, Andrew guessed that was Felix’s boyfriend rather than his bodyguard.