Page 10 of My Heart for Yours

“Word of advice. Take things easy with Lisa. She’s here by herself for a reason and I get the impression she has no problem taking off if things get messy. So, keep your usual intense vibes to yourself until you know where you stand, yeah?” I couldn’t even get annoyed because he was right, I was ready to storm the castle to save my damsel when for all I knew it was already too late.

“Yeah, I hear you. Thanks man.” I really am lucky to have him on my side.

“Love you, bro.” And with that he ended the call.

I arrive at the diner early because I’m way too restless to sit at home and wait and I feel pretty desperate at this point. All I can think about is convincing Lisa to stay and give us a chance, but a chance at what exactly? That’s the problem. Cara wasn’t wrong about the limited amount of time we have, but I already know I want to spend every possible moment with Lisa, get to know her and definitely try to convince her to stay longer. Then there’s the trouble she mentioned, it’s driving me a little nuts not knowing the details because it means I can’t do anything about it. I remind myself to take it easy, keep calm, and, above all, listen when she decides to open up to me. No problem at all.

The bell above the door jingles and I look up and honestly can’t stop the smile on my face even if I wanted to, which I don’t. I’ve got no game when it comes to Lisa and me, and I don’t want to play games. I want this to be real and I want her to know that. I stand up to greet her when she reaches our table and without thinking take her in my arms and just hold her. Damn, she feels good, I could stand here like this all day, but that might get weird, so instead I whisper in her ear, “I’m really glad you came,” and then let her go. She gives me a questioning look before sitting down.

“Did you think I wouldn’t?” I decide to go for honesty.

“The thought crossed my mind.” I won’t tell her the thought practically kept me awake whole night, even though it’s true.

“I’m sorry.” A sad look takes over her face as if she read my mind, but an apology is the last thing I want to hear.

“No need to apologize. Yesterday was a strange day, a lot happened and maybe we should finish the conversation now that we skipped out on at the bar. But first, breakfast. I’m starving.” I pick up my menu and make a big production of holding it in front of my face, but when I glance over it at her, she’s smiling at me and all the earlier anxiety melts away. I smile back at her, wink and then study the menu because I really am starving.

We don’t talk much while we eat, mostly about Jay and the people Lisa met yesterday, with one obvious exception. I get the feeling she’s nervous but not so much that she might take off. At least not right away. I find excuses to touch her hand as often as I can, not just to reassure her but because it’s my new favorite thing to do. Her hands are delicate with long fingers and short, neatly trimmed nails, and best of all no sign of any rings. Yes, I checked, because the reason for her trouble is still unexplained and I have the nagging fear that it has something to do with a guy back home.

Our waitress clears our table, and we are both quiet for a moment, then Lisa says, “I guess it’s my turn to go first.”


I take a deep breath and try to organize my thoughts but that becomes impossible when Shane takes my hand again. He seems to like doing this and I’m definitely not going to complain, instead I draw strength from his warm touch. He dips his head to make eye contact with me.

“Hey, this doesn’t have to be a big thing, just talk to me. Start with what brought you here.” Ha, he thinks that’s the easy part. Well, let’s see.

“Okay, well you know I’m from Chicago, right? I work as a freelance developer which is cool because I can do that from pretty much anywhere, but I’ve still never done that, gone anywhere I mean. Then a couple of weeks ago I … uh, kind of had a change in fortune. I decided it’s as good a time as any to buy a Jeep, which I’ve always wanted, pack a bag, and go exploring. And that brought me here, in a roundabout way.”

I know I should have told him about the lottery win. Somehow, I knew that Jay would think I was joking when I told him, but it’s different with Shane. Everybody has their own opinion of those who suddenly find themselves with a fortune they didn’t earn and maybe that’s why I didn’t go on some crazy spending spree. I didn’t want to draw attention and risk being judged, and now more than ever with this man sitting across from me, that is the absolute truth.

Shane smirks at me.

“Change in fortune, huh? What happened, a rich uncle remember you in his will?” I blink at him for a few seconds.

“Uh …” I don’t know what to say. Now would be the perfect moment, but Shane cuts me off.

“Just kidding! It doesn’t matter. I’m just really glad you’re here. But why alone though? Don’t you have a friend that could make the trip with you?” Crap, I hate this part, but try to keep things light because the last thing I want from Shane is pity.

“Nah, I’m actually kind of a loner, and seeing as I didn’t know where I’d be going or how long I’d be gone, I figured I’d just make the trip by myself.” He frowns at this and I brace for what he might ask next.

“What about your family? They must be worried about you getting stuck in the middle of nowhere.” I remember Joe saying something similar. I should call him and let him know that I’m okay. Again, I try to keep my tone light because I really want to be done with this part.

“Nope, no family, there’s just me.” Shane grips my hand tighter.

“Lisa, I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine not having my family around.” His distress seems so genuine that all I can think about is trying to lighten the mood.

“That’s because there’s so many of you, you can’t turn around without bumping into one of your brothers.” He gives me a small smile, but I can see he’s still upset about what I told him, and it makes my heart stutter. “Hey, I’m okay, really. You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve been on my own for a long time. I know how to take care of myself.” Shit, that was the wrong thing to say. The change in expression on his face is instantaneous and I see determination flare in his eyes before he replies.

“That might have been the case before, Lisa, but I’m here now and worrying about you when you are not with me is something we are both just going to have to deal with.” Wow! Well, what do you know? Those butterflies girls always go on about when talking about their love are an actual thing. I feel them! Worrying about you when you are not with me … I have to look down because my eyes suddenly get a little watery and I don’t want him to freak out. One of us freaking out is plenty, but he reaches over the table, tips my chin back up and smiles the most beautiful smile I think I’ll ever see. “Are you with me?” I nod my head because my throat feels like I’m trying to swallow a chunk of week-old bread. “Great, because I want to ask you something.” This would be a good time then because I’d say yes to just about anything. “I want you to spend Christmas with me and my family tomorrow.” Anything but that.

“Shane, I can’t. Your parents don’t know me, and I’ve only just met Travis and Derick. They’re not going to want some stranger in their home on Christmas! We can get together some other time.” Shane doesn’t look discouraged at all.

“You forgot Jay; he’s practically adopted you and wants you there too. And we always have friends and girlfriends over for the day. My parents are used to it by now, and besides, they are going to love you.” Experience can be such a bitch sometimes, reminding me of past Christmases that were anything but merry.

“How do you know?” Ugh, when did I become this insecure, needy person?

“Because they are going to take one look at me and know that you are important to me and that’s going to be good enough for them.” He sounds so confident and sure of his answer that I almost consider it and he can see me wavering. “Come on, it’s going to be fun, there will be loads of food and you won’t have to spend the day alone.” Ouch, that stings. I don’t even know why I’m getting upset but the thought of being Shane’s charity case sets my blood on fire. Yeah, I don’t think so. “Shit, I didn’t mean it like that. I just really want you to come spend the day with us, Lisa. Please?” I really need to get a better handle on my expressions if he can read me that quickly and now, I just feel irritated with everything.