“Oh, okay. Thanks.” I smile at him because I’m not sure what else to do and he smiles back. “So how was the rest of your Christmas? Do anything fun?” It seems harmless enough to ask but I should have known better.
“Just hooked up with an old friend from high school. She does this thing with her tongue …” That’s as far as he gets before, I reach over the table and put my hand over his mouth.
“What is wrong with you?! Do you not know the meaning of the word discretion?” He just stares at me, waiting for me to remove my hand from his mouth and when I don’t, he licks it! I pull away so fast I almost send my glass of water flying. Jay just laughs and sits back in his chair.
“You asked, I was just answering your question.” All I can do is shake my head.
“Right, lesson learned. No more questions of any sort.” Jay winks at me and then places his order with our waitress. We continue with idle chitchat throughout our meal and time passes quickly.
As we’re finishing up, Jay asks, “So what are your plans?” Nothing more. Not plans for the rest of the day or the next week, just that. I try to play it cool.
“Uh, I’m heading over to the inn.” I don’t think I fool him for a second.
“Yeah? And will I be seeing you at the festival tomorrow?” I smile because I’m genuinely excited to go.
“Yes, you will. I’m going to take some photographs. It should be fun.” This seems to please him, which makes me happy too. Jay is the first friend I made in Marshall Falls and I suddenly realize that I could quite easily picture myself making a life here and that this doesn’t scare me at all.
“Well then, off you go. I’m going to go find my brother and pester him with questions about how he spent the rest of his Christmas.” With that he gives me a final wink and leaves the restaurant.
Packing up my stuff goes quickly and after yet another farewell to Mrs. Hanson and a promise to see her tomorrow, I head over to Shane’s house. I decide that unpacking can wait. I’m not the kind of woman who snoops and would rather wait for him to give me some closet space, so I grab my laptop and park on his couch. It really is a very comfortable couch and in no time, I begin to doze off.
The sound of my phone ringing brings me back to the present. The display says its Joe calling so I pick up right away.
“Hi Joe, how are you?” He hesitates for a moment and this immediately puts me on edge.
“Hey, kiddo, I’m good but I’m afraid I have some bad news. It’s Starke; he’s disappeared.” I’ve always loved how Joe gets straight to the point of his call but this time a feeling of dread takes over and I have to stop myself from jumping up off the couch to check that I locked the front door when I came in earlier.
“What do you mean he’s disappeared?” It’s just a whisper but Joe hears me.
“We can’t find him. It’s been two days and he’s not been home or to any of his usual hang outs. The entire CPD is looking for him. I have a really bad feeling about this, Lisa. I think you need to come back to Chicago so that I can keep an eye on you.” Joe hardly ever calls me Lisa. It’s always kiddo, so I know he’s being serious, but why now dammit? Just when I find a place that feels like it could be home and with people that I care about, Cole must ruin it for me. I want to fight this, fight him, and more than anything I want to stay … but I can’t. I haven’t been hiding. Cole will find me without any effort if he hasn’t already. Shane was right, I’m going to bring trouble to his door, all because I was selfish and put my own happiness above the safety of these wonderful people.
“I can’t, Joe. I will leave Marshall Falls, but I’m not coming back to Chicago. I’ll keep moving, maybe head west again.” My chest feels so tight, I can barely breathe, and I know it’s because I’m going to lose the man that I love. It all seems so inevitable now.
“Lisa, there’s more. Over the past year, five cases were reported where Starke was either a person of interest or was at least in the general vicinity of the crime. Five women were kidnapped and murdered, women who bore a striking resemblance to you. And not just in Illinois, so he is definitely mobile and moving over state lines.” I think my blood just froze in my veins because this chill cannot be normal.
“So what you’re telling me is he has gone from being a stalker to a serial killer? How are you only hearing about this now?!” It comes out as a shriek but I’m past caring what Joe must think of me. How did this happen?
“Because his last victim was only found a few days ago, here in Chicago.” That’s it, I can’t take anymore. My brain is desperately trying to process all this information while my heart is trying not to break all over Shane’s comfortable couch, and I’m being torn to shreds. How can this hurt so much after such a short period of time? “Lisa, are you there?” Shit, I need to get this conversation over with. I need to come up with a plan.
“Yes, I’m here but I need to go now. I’ll call you from the road as soon as I decide on a destination.” I need to end this call while I’m still coherent.
“I don’t like this, kiddo. If he gets to you before then I’ll never know. Please come home?” God, why does this hurt so much? “I can’t. You know Chicago has never been home to me and if I’m going to do this, it’s going to be on my terms. I’ll be careful, I promise.” He lets out a resigned sigh and says goodbye. The phone rings almost immediately, Shane’s name flashing on the screen.
“Hey, beautiful, what are you up to?” I smile even though I know he can’t see me, the panic from a few seconds ago receding just from the sound of his voice.
“I was talking to Joe. What’s up?” He pauses and I know I’ve just given myself away.
“Is everything okay?” I can’t do this right now. Please don’t make me explain?
“Sure, everything’s fine. He was just telling me about his Christmas. Speaking of which, did Jay catch up with you?” If he notices the subject change, he doesn’t comment, just gives a little chuckle.
“Yeah, he was here. Told me he ran into you at the diner and you told him all about our night together.” I gasp and then almost choke on nothing but air.
“No, I didn’t. I would never. Oh my God, what did you say?” That makes him laugh.
“Don’t worry, I know he’s full of shit. I didn’t say anything, but it doesn’t take a psychic to know I had a very good night.” He places extra emphasis on the very and for a moment I’m there with him again. Maybe this can still work out. I can tell him what’s going on and he can help. Running can’t be my only option, can it? “Lisa, you still there?” Shit, focus!
“Yes, I’m here. Just a little tired. Didn’t get much sleep last night, you know.” He chuckles again, and I know he catches my meaning.