Page 304 of The Skeikh's Games

Jada almost snorted. What Sheikh didn’t want to have a party? Voicing her opinion out loud would be offensive, so she kept her thoughts to herself. He turned to her and bowed her head. “I hope you find the party enjoyable. Perhaps you can save a dance for me later?”

Stunned, she tried to find her voice. Obviously Kamal wasn’t happy with the pairing. Every word out of her mouth was out of obligation, and it was almost painted in disgust. She should have been diplomatic and simply said yes, but she found herself slightly offended. “Only if you can find the time. I would want to keep you,” she said stiffly before walking away.

She could feel his eyes follow her as she left him, and she knew she should apologize, but he was being rude to her, and she couldn’t abide that. Jada had no doubt that he would complain to her father, but he wouldn’t dare drop out of the arranged marriage.

Would he?


She turned her head sharply to see a familiar woman walking her way. The woman’s jaw dropped open. “It is you. You look fabulous!”

“Kay,” Jada breathed. “It has been forever!” The two women embraced, and Jada had to fight back a flood of memories. Kayla had been her childhood best friend. Before her sixteenth birthday, Kayla’s parents moved to America, and the two girls lost touch. She’d thought of Kayla often over the years.

“I had no idea that you were back!” Jada exclaimed as she hugged her friend tight.

“I just can’t seem to stay away,” Kay said with a smile. “No, my husband actually got a job with the Sheikh, so we moved back two years ago. What are you doing back?”

Jada made a face. “I was summoned back.”

Kay’s eyes widened. “There are quite a few women here. Rumors are that the Sheikh’s son is looking for a wife.”

Jada felt a stab of jealousy as she looked around the room. The women far outnumbered the men. They were all here for Kamal?

Why wouldn’t they be? He was handsome, rich, and soon-to-be the Skeikh. “Great,” she muttered. She was hoping this would be a small affair.

“You shouldn’t have to worry about the competition,” Kay said hastily. “You’re beautiful. Actually, stunning is the word I’m looking for.”

Jada smiled. “Thank you, but I’m actually not worried about the competition at all. I have a feeling that my father and his father have already made the arrangements. Based on Kamal’s reaction to me, he’s already been ordered to make an offer for my hand.”

“You don’t seem happy about that,” Kay said carefully.

“Did you marry for love?”

Kay smiled softly. “I got lucky. I fell for a man that my father approved of. If I hadn’t, I’m sure my father would have arranged something.”

“I’ve spent most of my life fairly certain that I would be paired with Kamal. We’ve been pushed together since birth, but I’ve spent all of my adult life in Europe. I’ve heard that he fell in love in America, and I don’t know. I suppose for awhile I had hoped that I would have a chance to fall in love.” Jada smiled wistfully.

“Have you fallen in love?”

“No,” Jada said almost bitterly. “I have mostly found that men are pigs.”

Kayla’s eyes widened gleefully at Jada’s soft but spiteful words. “Careful,” she giggled. “Kamal will not want to marry a woman with such opinions.”

“Don’t I know it? Come on. Let’s check out the food table and catch up. If I’m to be wed to a man I don’t get to choose, I should at least be able to eat whatever I want.” She linked arms with her old friend and walked through the crowd. It felt nice to have Kay be her side again. At least she had a familiar face to spend some time with while she watched Kamal dance and speak with many women.

She couldn’t explain the jealousy when she watched him touch others, but it was easier to hide with Kay by her side. She simply turned her back and pretended that she wasn’t feeling such intensity towards her future husband.

* * *

Kamal spent most of his time with his father’s partners and talked business. Women made their way to him and wished him well on his day, and while he was polite and spoke to all who came his way, he noticed that woman didn’t come back to talk to him.


He watched as her father went over and whispered something in her ear. She caught his eye and frowned, but she nodded her head. After saying something to her friend, she broke away and walked stiffly back towards him.

Even though he wanted to focus on work, his thought had strayed to her all night. After first greeting her outside the car, he’d found her completely boring. It wasn’t until she snapped at him and walked away that he felt his interest stirring. And then she had ignored him all night.

“Excuse me.” He interrupted whatever his father way saying and broke away from the crowd. It only seemed fair that he meet Jada half-way. “Care for a walk?” he asked as he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her away.