Page 305 of The Skeikh's Games

“I was actually going to get a drink,” she murmured as he pulled her through the crowd.

“Really?” he asked as he turned his head and gave her a wry smile. “Because it looked to me like your father asked you to come talk to me since you’ve been ignoring me all night.”

“I have not…” she suddenly snapped her mouth shut. “I apologize. You’re presence has made me shy.”

Her response angered him, and he moved faster until he finally flung the doors open and pulled her out to the balcony. There was a servant watering the plants, and Kamal cocked his head sharply to indicate that he wanted privacy. The servant moved quickly but quietly. “Let’s talk,” he said as he let go of her wrist. The doors shut firmly behind them, and it was just the two of them. No party. No pressuring family.

Still, she acted demure. Bowing her head, she practically curtsied. “Of course. What would you like to talk about?”

He almost pinched the bridge of his nose. She was only being respectful, as all the women in this country were raised to be, but it was frustrating. He wanted to truth from her. He didn’t want to be fed lines from her father.

“I’d like to speak only, Jada. You are aware that I am to ask for your hand in marriage tonight?”


“And?” he asked impatiently. “How do you feel about that?”

She raised her head sharply and studied him. He could see the intelligence in her eyes, and he braced himself. Maybe now he would see the real Jada. “My father assures me that this a good match. We were friends as children. I’m sure our marriage will be a pleasant one,” she said toneless.

This time, Kamal couldn’t stop himself. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration and stared across the scenery. This is what his life had been reduced to. He’d been rejected from the woman that he loved and chained to a woman who would do nothing but say the words society had drilled in her head. This is how he was supposed to live.

“Are you not pleased with the choice?” she asked tentatively.

He turned back to her and drank her in. “You’re very beautiful,” he said and was annoyed at the hitch in his voice. It was true. She was gorgeous, and that only angered him even more. No doubt she had gotten everything she wanted because of her looks. She was probably a spoiled brat.

“For most men, that would be enough,” she said dryly. He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and she immediately bowed her head. “I apologize for that comment. I merely would like you to be happy with the pairing.”

“I’m sure it will be fine,” he said tonelessly. “I’ll speak to your father now and get it over with.”

He turned and heard her snort. Freezing, he looked over his shoulder. She was shaking her head in disgust. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Of course not,” she said as a fake smile spread across her face. “I completely understand that this is a burden on you. I understand that you would want to complete the matter as quickly as possible.”

Kamal waited, but she didn’t elaborate. Narrowing his eyes, he felt his anger rising. “Speak your mind,” he snapped.

“This is an arrangement for two to become one. I feel as though you’re forgetting that there is another party involved. And she might feel a little slighted that you want to complete the matter as quickly as possible.” She stared boldly into his eyes, and he felt the stirring of desire. This is what he wanted. A challenge.

“I was assured that you were taught to be respectful,” he said as he took a step towards her.

“Once again, I apologize. I was merely speaking my mind, as you asked.” Just like that, the assertive and bold woman was gone. Kamal almost sighed out loud as her eyes lowered.

“And I’m sorry that I wasn’t considering your feelings. I’ll do better next time,” he murmured as he turned and reached for the doors.

“I know you love another.” He stilled as his hands wrapped around the door handle. Her words washed over him, and he closed his eyes to the pain. “I just want you to know that I have no romantic notions of this affair. I will be the pleasant and respectful wife. All I ask is that you be pleasant and respectful in return.”

It was almost a relief to know that she wasn’t expecting love from him, but at the same time, he felt the emptiness inside him grow. Without a word, he opened the doors and went in search of her father.

Chapter Three

“Kamal, we’ve been through this.” She sighed when she lifted her eyes to stare at him. “You have responsibilities back in Morocco. Your family expects you to return in a few weeks.”

He felt his heart breaking as he stood in the doorway and watched her. She’d already been packing up her room. “There is a way we can be together,” he said softly. He couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her behind. He loved her. Surely they were meant to be together.

“Like what? Your family would freak out if you didn’t come straight home, and I can’t come with you.”

“But that’s just it,” he thrust his hands out as he stepped into the room. “You can come with me.”

She snorted and finally turned to face him. “As what? The American tart that you’ve been sleeping with all semester? Please. Your family would have me banned from the country.”