Page 196 of The Skeikh's Games

He glared at her. “Why shouldn’t I help him? She didn’t even want to go out with me so it doesn’t matter how I feel.” Ryder had never been blind to his brother’s charms and the way women fell at his feet, but this was the first time it had hurt. It was a physical ache he could not escape no matter what he did. Every time he tried to block it out, all he could see was her face contorted in horror and it all came back again.

“Yeah well that doesn’t mean you need to help him. He doesn’t need your help and if the situation was reversed, he wouldn’t help you.”

“I don’t know that and neither do you. Hunter isn’t a bad guy Mimi, he just doesn’t like me.”

“Or me.”


“Don’t be Ryder. I’m not.”

“Liar,” he smiled.


Hunter stood outside his brother’s office, gutted by what he’d heard. Ryder had asked Skylar out and she turned him down, yet he’d still helped Hunter. Mimi was right, he wouldn’t have done something as selfless as that. But Ryder had because there was no reason for him not to. He felt like a jerk, more because Ryder thought he didn’t like him. That was his biggest regret. Well, that and Mimi. He tiptoed quietly down the hall and took the elevator to his office.


As Skylar sat at a deep red booth inside the trendy Tapas bar and restaurant, she was already regretting she’d ever agreed to this date. Hunter had walked in the door ten minutes ago and still hadn’t made it over to where she sat…waiting for him. He flirted with the busty hostess with the sexy olive skin for a few minutes, before he winked and moved on to the busty bartender with the pink streaks in her blonde hair. They did a shot together, then another and then she whispered something in his ear that made him laugh so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes. She watched him chat with a short man who she pegged as the owner or manager. They ogled a waitress in tight black pants as she slid between them carrying two pitchers of sangria.

When a waitress stopped at her table, she ordered a large red sangria and sent thanks up to the universe that she’d taken a cab tonight. Sometimes having a temperamental car worked out for the best. She knew that whatever happened tonight, she would need the sangria to keep her from castrating Hunter Cross. “Can I get the Whoa Baby tapas platter too, please?” The waitress nodded and walked away.

She wouldn’t sit back and wait for Hunter to grace her with his presence. She would enjoy the food, whatever in the hell tapas were, drink the sangria and enjoy a night catching up on The Big Bang Theory. Whether he showed at her table or not, because it was her table, she would enjoy the lively party atmosphere just long enough to satisfy her hunger and then take a taxi home.

Watching Hunter smile that dimpled smile and charm every man and woman in sight, made her think about Ryder and his dark good looks. He was a tad awkward and more than a little abrupt but he was sweet and gorgeous. If she was in the market for something more, he would be right up her alley. As it was, her reaction to him had caused a rift between them she wasn’t sure would ever be healed. The only positive was that it hadn’t cost them the contract, which just went to show how stupid she really was. A man who had the power to screw her over, but chose not to because he was a good guy, was a truly good man. She took a long gulp of her sangria, glad that she had made a mess of things with Ryder. With his looks, inhere goodness and the chemistry between them, she would turn her life upside down for a man like that. If she were looking for a man like that.

But her plan had backfired because she’d chosen a man who was nice to look at but had nothing under his beautiful surface. She’d chosen shallow to passion and tonight she paid the price.

“Skylar, when did you get here?” Hunter leaned down and kissed her cheek with a bit too much force.

She glared at him, unaffected by his charming smile. “About fifteen minutes before you walked in.”

He smiled, glad she wouldn’t let him get away with being a bastard. “Really? You should have said something.”

If looks could kill, Hunter would’ve keeled over and died on the spot. “Why would I have done that Hunter? Didn’t you come here to meet me for dinner?”

He took a seat across from her. “You know I did.”

“Then why didn’t you scan the room for me or, I don’t know, ask the hostess if I had arrived yet?” He opened his mouth but she held a hand up to stop him. “Don’t bother. I don’t really care, I’m still here because I’ve already ordered my food.”

He groaned. “You ordered without me?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d even stop by my table.” She gave him a sickly sweet smile that she hoped was menacing.

“Of course I would, babe. That’s why I’m here. For you.” He flashed her that panty dropping smile but he noticed she didn’t smile or blush or give any indication she was affected. “So tell me Skylar, how was your day?”

“It was fine. Busy. How was yours?” She waved the waitress over for another drink.

“It was pretty good. I’ve been working the leads brought in by social media and it’s looking good.” No matter how things played out tonight, he was still impressed by the work her firm had done.

The waitress returned with her platter and another glass of sangria. “Thanks,” she said politely and dug in while Hunter ordered. She ate her fried baby squid while the waitress pushed her boobs in Hunter’s face and flirted like it was her job.

“Hunter you’re funny,” she giggled and touched his arm, making Skylar roll her eyes. “I bet we’d have a great time if we went out.”

Skylar sipped her sangria and said, “Hint, hint” loud enough for them to hear.

Hunter stifled a laugh. He enjoyed this smart, sarcastic version of Skylar. Too bad Ryder wanted her because he had a feeling he could really like her, even though nothing would ever come of it. Nothing could. “Well sugar, maybe some time soon. How about you get me a scotch and some albondigas?”