Page 197 of The Skeikh's Games

“Wow,” she said as she bit into a marinated olive. “I’ve never been completely ignored like that.”

He shrugged. “If you looked like this no one would ever ignore you.” He wiggled his eyebrows and ran a hand through his wavy locks.

She wanted to laugh but refused to reward his bad behavior. “Since busty waitresses aren’t my type, I think I’m good.” This was possibly the worst date she had ever been on but she refused to leave until she finished eating. “I won’t be offended if you want to go chat with your friends.”

He looked at her, stunned. “Why would I want to do that?”

She gave him an, are you kidding me look. “Because your head is swiveling so much I think it’s about to roll right off.” She shook her head in disgust and dug in to her stuffed mussels. “It’s fine” Her words were cut off by the approach of a sexy Asian girl wearing leather. Leather!

“Hi Hunter baby. It’s good to see you.” She bent over and pressed her plump pink lips against his, and moaned into the kiss.

It went on and on and on until even Skylar felt uncomfortable. She dropped her fork loudly on the plate and when that didn’t work, she stood and went to her busty waitress. “Excuse me, can you have my platter put in a to go bag and get my bill? I’ll be by the cash register, thanks.” The girl gave her a strained smile until she caught a glimpse of Hunter mouth locked with Leather Girl, and gave her a pitying smile.

“Sure thing. Just give me a sec.”

A few minutes later she had two small boxes inside a bag and a check for Skylar. The boxes were still warm and she smiled. If the cab ride was quick enough she could eat it warm when she got home. “Thanks,” she said as she signed the receipt. “Keep the change.” She heard the waitress’ surprise ‘thanks’ as the door closed behind her. She sent Kendra a text to let her know she was on her way home. Well that’s a date I’ll never forget.

Her phone rang and she picked it up before looking at the screen, a fact she regretted until she heard her aunt’s soft voice. “Sky sweetheart, how are you?”

She sighed wistfully and a real smile touched her mouth. “Aunt Marie, I’ve just come back from the world’s worst date, that’s how I am. How are you?”

“Was he at least a good lover?”

“Aunt Marie! I didn’t sleep with him, it was the second, and last date.” She heard the chuckles on the other end of the line.

“Oh dear, what is the arbitrary date number for sex these days?”

She had no idea but that wasn’t the point. “Aunt Marie, we are not having this conversation.”

“Oh psh, dear! I need your help and I’m hoping you’ll come spend a few days with me.”

“I’m not sure if I can. When do you need me?”

“If you can come sometime next week, that would be great. I have something in the works and I could use your expertise. I’ll pay you of course, dear.”

“Aunt Marie you know that’s not necessary. I’ll look at my schedule and tell you when I can come.” “Let me know when you can get here and I will pay you. Good night, Sky.”

She hung up before Skylar could protest payment so she grunted at the phone and threw it back in her purse. What a crazy week! “That’s it, I’m staying in the house until Monday morning!” She didn’t even flinch about talking to herself in the backseat of a cab. Nope, after tonight she was going full on spinster cat lady.


“If you don’t get out of her soon Ry, you’re going to miss your plane.” Mimi pushed him out of his office and shoved his briefcase into the elevator with him. “If you miss your flight you’ll be stuck at the airport for the next six hours.”

“Ugh, why didn’t you book a later flight?” He turned to look down at her small frame.

“Why didn’t you buy that company jet like I told you to?”

He sighed. “Not this again. I told you it was a prudent purchase, particularly until we’ve had eight consecutive quarters of growth.” Dammit he didn’t even want to make this trip except it would put ETI on the map.

“Yeah well, this is why you have to take commercial flights. Maybe you should look into it when you get back.” She gave him a knowing smirk and walked out of the elevator ahead of him. “Now let’s go and we can go over a few things on the way to the airport.”

He huffed with irritation and slid into the back of the Town Car. “How’s the marketing campaign going?”

Mimi fought to keep the smile that threatened to appear. “It’s going great, actually. You should meet with Skylar again and get an idea how things are going.”

“That’s alright. I don’t need to, I’m delegating. You should be happy.” Mimi had been after him for years to delegate more.

“Oh I am, but you aren’t delegating for the right reasons.”