Page 189 of The Skeikh's Games

Hunter squirmed in his seat. “Dammit Ry, come on. Petra Connor will be there and that woman is a viper.”

Ryder chuckled. “Just chalk it up to your never ending charm.” Petra had taken a shine to Hunter after only one night together and she wouldn’t let him go. “Just tell her you’re engaged or gay or…something.”

“You’re not funny at all.”

“I’m kind of funny.” He was also highly motivated to keep Hunter away from Skylar. It was true that he was worried about their relationship making a mess of what the company needs. He also couldn’t stop thinking about the electricity that flowed between them during that initial handshake. It had been more than electric, it was highly charged and he had a feeling it could be life changing. If he went for it, which he wouldn’t because he never did. “Seriously Hunter this is a great chance for some long-term contracts so go charm the hell out of everyone and bring us some good news. I’m counting on you.”

“Really?” His tone was full of disbelief.

“Yes, really. You may be an ass sometimes, okay a lot of the time, but you are damn good at what you do. We all need you to go to Chicago and do that.” Ryder didn’t hate his brother and it didn’t hurt a bit to compliment him. At least until that smug grin appeared.

“Well it’s nice to hear you acknowledge it once in a while, that’s all I’m saying.” He stood and smoothed his suit jacket. “I’ll go and do my thing. But when I come back I’m going after Skylar.”

Ryder groaned. He was afraid of that. If he warned his brother again Hunter would do it just to spite him. If he said nothing, Hunter would steal Skylar right from under him. “Just go to Chicago, Hunter.”

Chapter 2

Skylar lounged on a red chaise lounge with white trim while her partner, Kendra sat on a nearby ottoman inside the loft that was the Innovative Marking Solutions office. They worked all morning on a strategy layout for the ETI contract and she finally felt confident that everything had been settled to her satisfaction. She stretched her back and looked up at the brick façade all around, letting a small smile touched her lips. She always loved these old lofts and seeing her dream come true inside of one, was doubly satisfying.

“I’ll go to Chicago for the Educator’s Fair.” Kendra fingered the papers stacked between them and picked up the itinerary. “I’ve got friends there I haven’t seen in ages and I know you don’t want to go.”

Skylar nodded appreciatively because she really didn’t want to have to deal with Hunter for an entire week. He would be relentless in his efforts to get her into bed and she knew eventually she would have to turn him down flat because she didn’t do that, not with anyone. “You’re the best Kendra. You don’t know how badly I didn’t want to go.”

Kendra smiled sardonically and pushed her thick black hair off her shoulder. “I had an idea Sky. You don’t hide your feelings nearly as well as you think you do.” She knew her friend held back a few details of the meeting but she would get them out of her. Eventually.

Skylar blushed. “Yeah well, leave me to my delusions, will ya?” She planned to spend the week ironing out the details of their campaign with Ryder and Cressly. With their approval in place, she wouldn’t have a reason to spend much time at ETI headquarters and that was exactly what she wanted. Mostly. The social media campaign had already begun and she would show the numbers to Ryder later today.

Kendra wasn’t interested in any of that just yet. “So tell me Sky, are the brothers as gorgeous in person as they seem in the papers?” Ryder and Hunter appeared often in the gossip rags thanks to their publicized beef as well as Hunter’s active social life. Combine their looks, their wealth and prominence in the city, they were staples of the gossip and entertainment publications.

Skylar sighed, reluctant to remember the handsome men any more than necessary. But Kendra was nothing if not persistent. “Yes. They are both gorgeous as hell but in completely different ways. Hunter is blond and tall with lots of swagger. His eyes are so green I’m still not convinced they aren’t due to tinted lenses. He’s flirty, a total playboy I’m sure. Ryder on the other hand is…more intense. He’s got short dark hair and hypnotizing blue eyes, strong jaw and sharp cheekbones. He’s more serious and severe, the perfect opposite of his brother.”

Kendra squealed and stomped her feet. “Damn they both sound hot! You obviously have a thing for Ryder so if the opportunity arises, I’m going for Hunter.” She eyed her friend closely for a reaction. “What? Tell me.”

“Well Hunter already tried and I shot him down.”


Skylar sighed. “He’s a player and I don’t want to shit where I eat, for lack of a better phrase.”

Kendra frowned and shook her head in disgust. “Well any other phrase would’ve been better than that one!”

She laughed lightly. “This contract could turn into something big for us, for the company. If it were to go sideways with either brother you and I might find ourselves working for jackasses like Harper Crenshaw again.”

That thought sobered both of them. Their previous employer was stuck in his ways, had no problem taking everyone’s ideas and passing them off as his own and his hands ever met an ass they didn’t want to touch. “Yeah okay, amended plan. You leave them both alone but I may or may not make a play for Hunter.” At Skylar’s affronted look, she explained, “I can separate my need to get some from my need to get ahead and we both know you can’t.”

She nodded and agreed as she finger combed her hair back into a bouncy ponytail. “True enough. Just be careful, Hunter strikes me as the kind of guy who loves nothing more than the chase.”

Kendra waved off her concern. “Don’t worry, whatever happens or doesn’t happen will be done by the time I get back from the fair.” She stood and smoothed the silky shirt that had ridden up and showed off a sliver of her dark brown tummy. “That ponytail looks fine, so does your lips and skin so stop stalling and get to your meeting.”

Skylar frowned but couldn’t argue that’s what she had been doing. “Yes Mom,” she whined and stood to pack her bag. An hour later she was sitting across from a stiff and standoffish Ryder, unaware what she had done to cause such a swift change in his demeanor. Things had been fine with them over the past week, they had talked on the phone several times and exchanged several emails. All were friendly and professional. Today he was downright icy.

Ryder stared at Skylar, looking more beautiful than ever with her fresh-faced, girl next door appeal. She wore dark jeans with a deep pink cashmere sweater, her hair in a ponytail and minimal makeup. With a friendly, if wary, smile she looked like exactly the kind of woman Ryder wanted by his side. At least she would if he hadn’t already decided to give up on his attraction to her and their undeniable chemistry. Hunter had Skylar in his sights and she would probably succumb to his charms as most women did. So he had decided he would rather never have her at all than risk losing her to his charming step brother. Although it had never happened before—surprisingly given their extreme competition—things between them were more contentious than ever and he wouldn’t put it past Hunter to do it just because he could. “I’ve seen some of the ads you’ve used on social media and I have to say they are pretty good, even if they are a little offbeat.”

She smiled at the change in his demeanor. “That’s true but we’ve found that offbeat works well, especially in professional communities where people tend to take themselves a tad too seriously.” She handed him a document that outlined their reach over the past seven days. “You can see that the click rate is over ten percent, which is extremely good. I’m sure if you speak with Cressly he’ll tell you they’ve seen an uptick in interest.”

The force of his smile nearly knocked the breath out of Skylar. “Ah yes, his email this morning makes more sense now.” He chuckled and told her about the cryptic but effusive email from his Business Development president. “He’s ecstatic with your work so far and you’ve just gotten started.” He paused and looked up at her through thick dark lashes and then looked away nervously. “So I, uh, was wondering Skylar. Would you, I mean that is, if you like to. Have dinner with me, that is.” Ryder felt his face flush as his incoherent invite sank in. He watched Skylar’s hazel eyes widen in shock, her mouth open and shut like a startled fish. A look similar to mortification crossed her face and his heart sank. “Oh. Right. I apologize for that and withdraw my offer. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

Skylar still stared at him, unsure what had happened. She’d clearly opened her mouth to accept his invitation yet nothing but silence came out. She stood woodenly with a deflated heart at the humiliated look on Ryder’s handsome face. With tears bubbling in her eyes she packed up and left the Tompkins-Cross Building. Why had she stood there like a mute idiot when he was clearly asking her to explore the spark between them?