Page 190 of The Skeikh's Games

Truthfully she knew exactly why she’d said no. The spark between them was undeniable, their chemistry off the charts and that was exactly why her brain had intervened on her behalf. Chemistry that strong could, and would, spiral out of control quickly. It would turn into a raging inferno that required all of her time and energy until her business began to suffer and she no longer retained her own identity. She’d watched her parents’ love rage and rage until it had cost them both their lives. She didn’t want that, didn’t need chemistry and fireworks. She wanted a simple good time with a guy, no sizzle required. But she didn’t need to humiliate the man because of her own hang ups. When she finally reached the parking garage she held in her tears and ran up the six flights of stairs until she could seek safety in her car. With the doors closed she let herself cry for ruining what could have been something great, but never would because she couldn’t have that kind of passion.

Ryder sat in his office stunned and humiliated. Eyes closed, he replayed that awkward moment time and again until it was so ingrained in him that he could recall the feeling instantly. He hadn’t meant to ask her out, which is why it had been so awkward. That horrified look on her face though, was something he could never forget for as long as he lived. Well now Hunter could have her, he thought bitterly.

“Well that was awkward,” Mimi chimed in after too much silence had settled over his large office. “Tough luck, boss.”

He smiled at her but it didn’t reach his eyes and he shook off her words. “Don’t worry about it. I took a chance a she wasn’t interested. End of.”

Mimi scoffs and gives him a pitiful shake of her head. “Not interested? Don’t be a fool Ryder. That woman is interested in you, the chemistry between you two is insane, even I could see that. She’s holding back for some reason but believe me, it isn’t because she doesn’t want you.” She didn’t know why a woman would turn down Ryder, who was such a catch but Skylar was now on her shit list.

Ryder shrugged. “Her reasons don’t matter to me because I won’t be enduring that kind of embarrassment again. Can you imagine if you weren’t my friend and just witnessed that humiliation?” His fingers scraped against his short dark hair in frustration. “God what an idiot I am! Well now Hunter will go after her and she’ll fall at his feet like the rest of them so really Mimi, it doesn’t matter to me. Not anymore.”

She stiffened at his words and he apologized immediately when he realized what he’d said. “Don’t worry about it Ryder. When you’re right, you’re right.” He was the only one who knew about her long ago love affair with Hunter that she never really got over.

He nodded even though they both knew it was a lie. She cared about his hordes of women just like he cared that Skylar would now become one of them. But friends let friends have their delusions on occasion and this was one of them. “We’re a sorry pair, aren’t we? If only,” he began but cut off the thought as soon as he had it because it was a useless thought.

Mimi laughed but there was no humor it. “I know, right?” They always joked that life would be so much easier if they were in love with each other. “We can pick who we love Ry, believe me I know.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore Mimi, let it go. I have.”

“Liar,” she turned and stuck her tongue out at him, biting back a smile.

“Takes one to know one,” he replied and beaned her in the chest with a paper triangle he used as a stress-relieving football.

“Hey!” She picked it up and flicked it back at him, missing by a mile.

“Great job, Mimi. Don’t quit your day job, woman.”

She laughed. “And miss all the excitement here? Not on your life!”

They laughed together for a few minutes and then Mimi left, leaving Ryder alone with his humiliation.


Hunter strode into the office with his cocky saunter, green eyes alight with amusement. His week in Chicago had been a big success and he couldn’t wait to rub Ryder’s smug face in it. He was damned good at his job, despite what his brother thought. He may be CEO and technically Hunter’s boss but that did mean he could tell him how to do his job. He bypassed Mimi’s empty desk and opened one of the large wooden doors that led to Ryder’s massive office.

There his brother was, head bent over documents, the top of his dark head the only thing visible from his vantage point. Always the overachiever, he thought bitterly. “Hey there, little brother,” Hunter goaded. Three months separated them and Hunter never let Ryder forget it.

He looked up with a welcome smile. “Hunter, you’re back. Come in,” he waved him in and gestured to the chairs opposite his desk.

Taken aback by his brother’s friendliness he took several tentative steps in and flung himself into the soft leather chair. “I’m back. The trip went well,” he said in that smug tone that he knew would rile Ryder up.

“It went extremely well from what I understand. Three signed contracts, all new clients. Great job Hunter. I knew you’d come through.” Ryder was truly impressed his brother had been able to take advantage of the new opportunity in the state of Illinois. He still smarted from his ill-fated attempt to ask Skylar out but it wasn’t Hunter’s fault.

“You did?”

Why did Hunter seem so surprised? “Of course I did, why do you think I gave you such a hard time at the last meeting? You always come back with something and there hasn’t been a month in the past few years you haven’t brought in a new contract, I was concerned.” He blew out a tense breath and changed the subject. “So, how’d it go with Petra this year?”

Hunter smiled. “She was upset about my new girlfriend so she spent the week shooting us both death glares.”


He nodded lasciviously. “Skylar’s partner, Kendra.”

Ryder bit the inside of his cheek to keep from reacting. “Right. Speaking of, you need to speak with Cressly about reaching out to some potential new clients. We’ve received a good amount of inquiries from the social media campaign.”

“So it’s really working?” He thought his brother had been more dazzled by Skylar’s beauty than her skill. He should’ve known better, Ryder may be a man but he was CEO first and foremost.

Ryder assured him the first part of the campaign was going better than expected. “You will be very busy over the next few months. One of the clients is a private academy in the suburbs of London, they have schools all over Europe.”