Page 203 of The Skeikh's Games

“Ms. Morris?” She nodded and the guy shoved the bag into her arms. “Dinner for you. Have a good night.” He was gone before she could say a word so she closed the door and sat the bag down.

She smiled into the empty apartment. Ryder was so sweet and thoughtful. It was exactly those things she loved about him most.


“Why are you in such a good mood?” Hunter strolled into his brother’s office and took a seat.

“Am I in a good mood?” Ryder didn’t know how much to share because he and Hunter had never been the sharing type of brothers.

“You’re practically glowing,” he scoffed and feigned disgust.

“I’m seeing someone. It’s going well.”

Hunter’s smile was wide and genuine. He was happy for his brother. “Anyone I know?” He saw the moment his brother’s smile dimmed. “It is.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not Mimi.”

“It wouldn’t bother me if it was.”

Ryder stared at his brother long enough to make him squirm. “Right.” They both knew it was a lie so he didn’t call his brother on it.

Hunter left that statement alone. He knew Ryder knew all about it because he and Mimi were close, but he wouldn’t talk about it. With anyone. “Skylar.” They needed to get this out in the open and he would be the one to do it.


“I didn’t know you liked her Ryder. If I did, I never would’ve gone after her.” He laughed at his brother’s skeptical look. “Okay I would have flirted with her mercilessly to rile you up, but I wouldn’t have asked her out.”

Ryder relaxed. “I know. But how did you know?”

Hunter looked over his shoulder and leaned in. “I overheard you and Mimi talking. I realized what an ass I was being so I fixed it.”

Ryder’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

Hunter shrugged. “All you need to know is that it was handled. And things are going well so I made the right choice.”

Ryder didn’t like that comment but he was glad Hunter was finally being an adult. He switched topics. “Do you have a trip to England booked?”

Hunter nodded. “I leave next week and I’ll be gone for two weeks, unless you need me someplace else.”

“For now all we need is London but I’m looking into some other options and I’ll keep you in the loop.” He stood and grabbed a sheet of paper from a nearby printer. “You have signed more than half of all the new leads brought in by the new marketing campaign, congratulations.”

Hunter frowned. “Thanks, I think.”

Ryder smiled. “You’ve done good, very good Hunter.” He pulled an envelope from his desk drawer. “This is a bonus for your hard work.”

Hunter’s green eyes went wide with shock. “For real?”

“Yep. Don’t spend it all on one lady.” He laughed at his own joke and saw that familiar charming smile cross Hunter’s face.

“Never, little brother.” Hunter didn’t understand what had just happened between him and his brother, but he wouldn’t fight it. “So are we good?”

“We’re always good Hunter.”

He nodded and left, passing Mimi on the way out. “Hi Mimi, how’s it going?”

“Fine, Hunter,” she said and brushed by him to speak with Ryder. “You have a lunch meeting,” she handed him a slip of paper.

“Thanks.” He read the note, smiled and grabbed his jacket. When he arrived at Skylar’s apartment he knocked loud to be heard over the music playing on the other side of the door.