Page 202 of The Skeikh's Games

Those two words were his undoing. He climbed up her body, planting kisses along her thigh, her belly button and her breast before licking his way up to her mouth. “Are you sure about this, Sky?” He needed her to be sure because one he started it would take a superhuman effort to stop.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything, Ryder. Please, I need you. My body needs you.”

He growled and took himself in hand, rubbing his erection through her folds and coating himself in her moisture. “You’re so damn wet.”

His lack of control turned her on more than she ever thought. Instead of being terrified of how intense things were between them, Skylar was intoxicated, she was aroused and her body was poised to explode. His body was lined up with hers and she tensed when the first couple inches slide inside.

He bent to kiss her so she would relax. His tongue played with hers, soothed and caressed until her body sank into the mattress. He pushed a little more and she was so damn tight he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to hold on for her. “Sky,” he groaned and slid in to the hilt.

She screamed as intense pain ripped through her and Ryder stilled above her. “Please, don’t stop.”

“Skylar why didn’t you say anything?”

“It doesn’t matter, I wanted this. Don’t stop. Please.”

“I want you too damn bad to stop but I would’ve taken my time to make it better for you.”

“It’s good Ryder, so good. And I didn’t want it to be a big deal. Move, please. Move!” She realized his entire book shook with the force of holding back. He really was a good guy, she thought as she saw the battle in his eyes. He wanted her but he didn’t want to hurt her. She clenched around him and he groaned. “Ryder. I want this. I want you.”

Ryder still didn’t move inside her, instead he bent and sucked her breast into his mouth. When her hips began to move he pulled out and slammed back in and the floodgates were open. She was too hot and too tight and so goddamned wet his control was close to snapping. His thrusts came harder and faster, her moans and mewls spurring him on.

Skylar clawed at his back, the pain a distant memory as other more pleasurable sensations took over. The way he disappeared inside her and the sounds of his pleasure touched every nerve ending until she shook beneath him, crying and screaming his name as pleasure better than any she’d ever known swept over her. “Ryder, Ryder” she said over and over as he continued to seek his own pleasure.

“Baby you feel so damn good,” he drove in and out, in and out until she convulsed around him and his own control snapped. He growled her name along with a few expletives and stilled above her as he spilled into her body. He bent and kissed her mouth again, this time slow and sweet. He groaned again when she clenched around his length and pulled out of her. “Shit Sky, I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry. She stiffened at his words and pushed him off of her. “I’m a big girl Ryder, I don’t need”

Ryder pushed her chest until she was lying on her back and he covered her mouth with his hand. “Stop. Just stop.” He thrust back into her and her eyes widened. “I’m not apologizing for this,” he thrust again just to make sure he had her attention. When she moaned behind his hand he knew he had it. “I’m sorry because I didn’t protect you. Protect us.” He removed his hand from her mouth.

“Oh.” She wasn’t on any type of birth control because until this moment it had been unnecessary. “I’m not on anything.”

He smiled and leaned to kiss her forehead. “I figured. But Skylar I want you to know this is alright with me. I want us to see where this can go, if you do.”

She nodded. “I do too.” Then she pulled him down and kissed the hell out of him.

Chapter 5

When Skylar returned home she felt lighter and freer than when she’d boarded the plane to California. The report she’d read from Kendra was excellent news for their company. In addition to ETI, Kendra had signed up an artisan soap maker and a management company that handled a dozen different singers and bands. Businesses like those were why they’d started their company in the first place and she was satisfied that things had finally started to look up.

Business was good and if the last two nights in California had been any indication, things between her and Ryder were better than good. He was a giving and imaginative lover with infinite patience. She smiled and let her thoughts wander to the time she’d spent exploring his body, and what a beautiful body it was. He’d lain completely still while her fingers and then her mouth explored every inch of him. She wanted to learn what he liked so she could please him the way he pleased her. Her mouth tasted his nipples which he liked, and down his stomach which he loved. When her lips wrapped around his length, Skylar wasn’t sure who liked it more, her or Ryder.

He’d groaned and wrapped her hair around his hands. She’d been overwhelmed by the scent and taste of him combined with his firm fingers rubbing her scalp and the twinge of pain from where he pulled her hair. It had been too much sensation and she’d erupted when he filled her throat. She’d been embarrassed until Ryder’s dark blue gaze honed in on her, full of desire and lifted her until her legs straddled his face. She blushed as she opened the door to her apartment, thinking of how naughty she’d felt and how satisfied.

He had awoken her body and her heart. For so long Skylar had ignored her own needs and desires as a woman, in favor of building her career. Now she was glad that she had because she knew she’d been waiting for Ryder. She’d arrived home from California four days ago and they’d seen each other every day. And her worked hadn’t suffered a bit.

That had been her worry for years, that she would lose herself in a man the way her mother had done time and again. So far that hadn’t been a problem because Ryder was as dedicated to his company as she was to hers. They could make it work, she realized, when she heard a knock at her door. She marched on bare feet to the door and opened it to the biggest bouquet she’d ever seen. “Hello?” She called out to the person behind the flowers and a pimple faced kid peeked around the side.

“Are you Ms. Morris?”

“I am.”

He held out the flowers. “These are for you miss.” He bent over and picked up another vase, “These too.”

Skylar nodded him in and showed him where to set the other vase. “Here you go,” she handed the kid a five and he smiled brightly and wished her a good night. Skylar smiled at the rainbow tulips and put them on the dining room table. The roses, she smiled, were orange, white and lavender. Love, desire and enchantment. Those would go in her bedroom. She pulled out the card.

Missing your sweet face already. See you soon. Love, Ryder.

She smiled and picked up the phone just as her doorbell rang again. She shot off a text to thank Ryder and then opened the door to find another stranger standing with a bag in hand.