Page 21 of Starlight

I pressed my lips together. I couldn’t tell him the real problem—that I wanted to fuck him but worried about him falling for me—he’d think I was an egotistical asshole. So I went with my other truth. “I’m having a hard time because I remember what it was like when we found you in Syria. I guess I feel responsible for you, and I worry about something happening to you.”

Liam’s head fell forward and his arms dropped to his sides. He sighed. “I get it. I really do. And I imagine you saw the worst of it because I was unconscious for three days.” He looked up at me, and there was that sweet smile again, the one that had captivated me the first time I saw it in that picture on his brother’s desk. “But I need to do this.” He stopped and shook his head. “I don’t mean this specifically. What I said before stands—I don’t go where I’m not wanted.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but he put up his hand to stop me. “Let me finish.” I crossed my arms and frowned at him. His lip twitched. “You’re kinda cute when you get all frowny like that.”

“I amnotcute,” I growled.

He rolled his eyes. “Okay, He-Man.Anyway, what I meant is that I have always wanted to help people who really need it. People who have nowhere else to go. That’s why I took that contract with Doctors Without Borders. It’s why I work for the VNA. It’s why I want to help your team.”

He shivered when a chill breeze came around the corner. The temperature was dropping as the sun set behind the buildings to our left. I wanted to pull him close to keep him warm, but I didn’t. Instead, I put my arm around his shoulders and steered him back toward the restaurant. “Come on, Mother Teresa. Let’s go tell Tony you’re in.”



I knocked quietly on Miguel’s office door. “Come in,” he called out. My brother’s assistant manager was busily typing on his laptop when I entered. He looked up and smiled. “Hey, Liam. What’s up?”

I sat in the chair in front of his desk. “Sean asked me to check in with you since Caitlin is off today.”

Miguel rolled his eyes and smiled fondly. “He worries too much.”

“I know,” I replied. My brother had decided to extend his two weeks in Europe with Jeremy by another ten days. I figured he was probably feeling guilty for being away for so long.

“The new part-time assistant manager is working out well,” Miguel said. “On top of that, it’s the middle of November, so we don’t have that many guests right now.” He clicked a few keys on his laptop. “We’ll have an almost full house for Thanksgiving week. Joanna has a spectacular meal planned for Thanksgiving Day.”

I nodded. “Sounds good. Do you need anything from me?”

He leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “Actually, yes.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Why do I think you’re up to something?”

“Not at all,” he said. “I was just thinking you need a night out.”

I crossed my arms. “Is that so?”

“Yes.” He grinned. “My bestie is featuring in the drag show at Paradise on Friday night. I want to bring as many people as I can to cheer him on.”

I thought about it and checked my body’s response. No tension, no locking up. I looked over at Miguel. “I can give you a conditional yes. So far, I haven’t had any problems with crowded places. I’ll let you know if that changes.”

“Fair enough,” Miguel said. He looked me over when I rose to leave. “Going to work out?”

I nodded. “Marco is going to teach me some self-defense. He thinks it will help me feel more confident.”

Miguel hummed his appreciation. “That man can teach me anything he wants.”

I felt my cheeks heat. “Yeah, he’s…something.”

“Uh-huh.” He smirked. “Are you using the hotel gym?”

“Yes.” I checked my smartwatch. “I’m meeting him there in ten minutes.”

“Well,” he said casually, “I may have to stop by to make sure you both have what you need. You know, as a courtesy.”

I snorted. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you later. Text me the time you want to meet up on Friday.”

When I got to the hotel gym, Marco was already there warming up with some stretches that showed me how bendy he was for a man his size. I stood still for a moment, watching his large, muscular body move with the grace of a dancer. I let out a quiet sigh. He really was beautiful. And hot. His black workout pants molded to his very fine ass. His tight black T-shirt accentuated the muscles of his back as he moved.

I probably should have felt guilty for perving on him, but I didn’t. At least not until he turned around and caught me eye-fucking him. My eyes drifted to the front of his workout pants of their own accord. Yep, he was proportional. I shuddered as heat pooled in my groin.