Page 20 of Starlight

A server brought out a basket of piping-hot garlic bread that smelled amazing. That reminded us to look at the menu so we could order. After we ordered, I looked over at Tony and said, “I want to join your team. What do I need to do?”

Tony grinned broadly. He glanced briefly at Marco and then said, “You just need to be willing to go out with us at night. Most of what we would need you for are cases like the one here in Asbury. Often, the victims need medical attention as soon as possible. We had a medic for a while, but he moved to California.”

I felt a nervous twinge in my gut. “Would I have to learn how to use a gun?”

Marco frowned deeply. “Fuck no.”

Tony glared at his brother. “No. But it would be in everyone’s best interest for you to learn self-defense.”

I looked at Marco. “Will you be able to teach me?”

“Yeah,” he said gruffly.

My heart sped up. I would get to spend some time up close and personal with Marco. The way he was frowning, though, made me think he wasn’t sure it was a good idea. He confused me. He’d fussed over me in the clinic parking lot, but now he was grumpy and distant.

I tried to ignore it, hoping whatever it was would resolve itself. I said to Tony, “I’d rather Sean didn’t know about this. He worries about me so much already. I think this would set him off like a rocket.”

Tony nodded. “Yeah, I get it. I won’t say anything.”

Marco made this low sort of grunting sound. I glanced over at Tony, who rolled his eyes. “Don’t mind him,” he said. “He’s just being a pain in the ass tonight.”

Marco clenched his jaw. “I’m not being a pain in the ass.” He turned his dark-eyed gaze on me. “I’m worried the work will trigger your PTSD.”

I blinked at him, and a spark of anger lit in me. “I just had big, dumb, and ugly in my face swinging at me, and it didn’t trigger my PTSD. Maybe you should let me decide what I can and can’t handle.”

Both men stared at me, speechless. I looked straight at Marco. “Before, you said I was perfect for the team. Now, you’re worried about my PTSD. If you don’t want me on the team, just say so. Don’t try to use my diagnosis against me.”

Marco had the grace to look embarrassed. He closed his eyes and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’m sorry. That was a shitty thing for me to do.”

“Yes, it was,” I replied. “Thank you for your apology.” I swallowed my hurt and disappointment. I held Marco’s gaze. “It’s pretty clear you don’t want me on the team, despite what you said in the clinic parking lot. I don’t go where I’m not wanted.” I shifted my attention to Tony. “Thank you for your offer, but I don’t want to cause problems between brothers.”

I carefully set my napkin on my empty plate. “I should probably just go.” I didn’t want to stay. I couldn’t stay and pretend that I didn’t want to cry. I rose, put on my jacket, and pulled my phone out of the pocket. “I’ll just get a rideshare to the clinic to pick up my car.” I turned and walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

* * *


Tony smacked the back of my head. “Goddamn it, Marco. Get your head out of your ass.”

I barely felt my brother’s little love tap as I watched Liam’s retreating form. I hated the hurt look that had crossed Liam’s face before he’d shuttered his expression. I had literally told him one thing and then said the exact opposite less than an hour later. Christ, when had I become that guy?

“Fix this,” Tony growled. “We need him.”

“Yeah,” I said. “We really do.” I got up and grabbed my jacket. I headed for the door, hoping Liam hadn’t been picked up yet. When I stepped onto the sidewalk, there was no sign of him. “Damn it,” I ground out.

As I turned to go back into the restaurant, I spotted Liam’s lithe figure walking toward Main Street. He must have decided to walk the four blocks to the clinic. His hands were shoved in his pockets, his head was bowed, and his shoulders were slumped in defeat. I cursed myself for being a complete asshole and sprinted to catch up to him.

Even on a chilly November afternoon, plenty of people were out walking, going into the shops and restaurants that lined both sides of Cookman Ave. I had to creatively dodge a few people to avoid losing sight of Liam. I caught up to him as he passed a large retail building and turned onto Main Street. “Liam, wait up.”

His head whipped around, and he stopped in his tracks. He stared at me in surprise, seemingly frozen in place. “Marco?” Then his eyes narrowed. “What do you want?”

What I thought was,I want you on your knees with my cock in your pretty mouth.What I said was, “Just a couple of minutes of your time.”

He crossed his arms. “Okay.”

I ran my fingers through my hair. As I was about to speak, a group of people came around the corner, causing Liam to back up against the large windows of the building to get out of their way. I followed him so we wouldn’t get separated. I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets so I wouldn’t grab hold of him like I wanted to. “I know I keep giving you mixed messages. But it’s not that I don’t think you belong on our team. You do. You’re competent and cool under pressure.”

Liam threw up his hands. “Then what is the problem?”