Somehow, they started talking about Londen, though Lei didn’t mention him by name. She was very careful about the details she shared about him, since her parents weren’t too excited about her doing the bet.
“You know I wasn’t looking for love in all of this, but in him, it has found me.”
Cashmere mirrored Lei’s smile. “How does it feel? To connect so closely with someone after so long.”
“It’s… an adjustment.” Lei giggled and covered her face. “Just talking about him makes it hard for me not to smile and giggle, and I’ve never been that kind of woman.”
“Well, real love has that effect on you… regardless of how you find it.”
“I’m so scared to love him. I want to be loved by him, but the act of loving him back?” Lei released a quiet whistle as her head shook. “That scares the shit out of me, Ma.”
“Why, Princess?”
“Because I know loving him is what opens the door for hurt. He’s not the kind of man that would intentionally hurt me, though, I have faith in that. I just… keep telling myself he’s not Steven and it’s okay for me to trust and love him.”
“And he’s okay with that?”
“Yes. He’s comfortable with us taking things slow.” Her smile widened as her mind took her back to the last time they were in each other’s presence. “The last time I saw him, he told me he was falling in love with me, and I just… couldn’t say it back.”
“Are you showing him with your actions?”
“I… don’t know. He does so much for me, I don’t know what to do for him in return. He says I make him smile and laugh, but that doesn’t seem like enough.”
“Trust me, that’s more than enough. That means you increase his happiness, and for a man in his position, that’s the kind of medicine he needs. And it doesn’t hurt to ask him how you can return his energy and make him feel just as loved as he makes you feel.”
“We actually talked about that the last time we were together. He told me his love language and what he wants and needs from a woman. I think I just want to do more because of how amazing I feel with him.”
“Feel with who?” Ace asked, making his way deeper into the living room.
“No one,” Lei replied, standing to give him a hug. “You ready to go?”
Ace chuckled. “You know I can find out who you’re talking to with one phone call, right?”
“Yes, but I also know you wouldn’t invade my privacy like that. You’re going to be a healthy father with boundaries and respect my desire to wait a little longer before I tell you myself.”
With a huff, Ace looked down at Cashmere, who shrugged and looked away.
“Come on, so we can go.”
Lei chuckled as he walked out, and it turned into a full laugh when he looked back at them and stuck his tongue out.
“Would you like to join us?”
Cashmere’s laugh died down instantly. “Really?”
“Yeah. I mean… if you don’t have anything else to do.”
“Oh, no.” Cashmere stood, smiling widely. “I would love to. Thank you for including me, Princess.”
“Of course. I don’t have to include you, Ma. Whenever you want to do something, just let me know.”
“I try to give you your space. I know your relationship with Jennifer was strained and it effects our relationship too.”
“That’s true, but I think you’ve been a little bit too lenient and understanding.”
Though Lei chuckled, she was slightly irritated by that truth. She wasn’t upset with her mother; she was upset with herself for not speaking up sooner. When she first came to Rose Valley Hills, her parents were at her side daily. It didn’t take long before how she was raised by Marcus, or Hamilton, and Jennifer started to affect her relationship with her real parents. Therapy only compounded that issue.
In Cashmere’s efforts to give Lei the space she needed to heal and move on from what they’d done to her, their relationship became more surface level than Lei would have liked for it to be. She’d gotten far closer to Ace, because of how safe she felt with Marcus when it came down to Jennifer. Regardless, Cashmere had been nothing but loving and kind toward Lei, and they both deserved a closer, more open relationship.